The Arena

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Alf and Olivia walked in silence the rest of the way to the city gate. The massive portcullis gate, attached to what little was left of the original city walls, had two groups of guards on either side. As they passed through, one of the guards said, "Please state your business here in Glandledale."

Alf smiled at the guard. "We're here for the arena."

The guard nodded and waved them past. "You, and everyone else. Go on in."

"Wait," Alf said. "So everyone here is headed towards the arena?"

The guard stared at him like he was a buffoon. "Of course."

The second guard broke in. "Didn't you know? There's expedition matches going on right now. The arena champion is taking all challengers and there's no limit to group size."

The older of the two guards took off his helmet and wiped sweat from his brow. "I've seen groups as large as two hundred come through this gate today. The arena champion is amazing, but I doubt she can take on that many at the same time."

"I agree," the younger of the two answered. "But the thought of seeing her try almost makes me want to quit my job and go watch, just to see what happens."

The guard put back on his helmet. "True, true. I've worked at this job for over thirty-five years and have a rather nice pension, but even I'm tempted to risk it all just to see such a fight."

"Wow, this sounds like quite the event," Alf mused, his eyes lighting up in excitement.

"But won't the arena champion get tired from fighting?" Olivia asked.

"The arena is providing her rest potions after every battle," the young soldier answered as he noticed the guards on the other side of the gate had already processed two more groups to their one.

"As well they should. They're making millions off of her," the older guard answered in a gruff voice as he motioned for them to move so the next group could come forward.

Alf's body almost quivered with excitement as they walked away from the guards. "We've got to go see this. This champion sounds like someone powerful enough to join us in the fight against Vackzilian."

Drake whispered, "It sounds like a blood oath to me."

"You are such a pessimist," the red-headed maid responded.

"Quiet," Drake hissed.

Alf, trying to hide his enthusiasm, shrugged nonchalantly as he stated, "Either way, we should go check it out."

"That is advisable, seeing as my last report states the one we are looking for works at the arena."

As they followed the throng of people through the city, Olivia exclaimed in wonder, "This city is amazing! I have never seen such exquisite designs and unique buildings."

Drake raised his voice just loud enough to be heard over the din, "Yes, this city is known to have some of the world's leading architects. You see that building to the left? It was built by Milliken, someone I consider to be the world's greatest artisan, though this building is one of his earlier works while he was still a child."

Alf's eyes drifted from a food vender serving what looked unsettlingly like dehydrated monkey over to the building Drake was talking about. "Whoa...," he muttered. He was quite proud of how the student dorms had turned out, but looking at the two-story home in front of him, he realized he had a ways to go as an architect.

Before him, a perfect dome rose seamlessly out of the ground. Its convex, glass exterior sparkled in the afternoon light while its foot thick walls housed an amazing collection of exotic, colorful fish swimming around freely inside. From what Alf could see, even its interior walls had water bubbling within them. As he watched the fish swim around, and the water bubble from the top of the building and stream down the sides, he realized the home had intricate 'light reflecting' spells placed on it that caused the light to shift and flow around its occupants, thus making it impossible to see anyone inside.

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