Chapter 31: The Joining Ceremony

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I have never seen so much flower decorations before.

Our yard has been transformed from a simple lawn into a fancy garden worthy of hosting a wedding.

Debra has been beyond excited this past week. All she's been doing involved something to do with our joining ceremony. My mother was welcomed into her house two days prior and I can tell it hasn't been easy for either of them to start liking each other, but they played nice.

Nature is weirdly strong. The instilled animosity between vampires and werewolves is not something one solves in a day. But I have hope that this bridge will be crossed.

In the garden they raised a high roof tent, each of its poles decorated with red and white flowers. Inside it, there are many chairs and quite a few tables serving food and beverages.

Outside, flower petals are spread across the lawn, in three circles, the final one marking a center of our joining.

I wear a simple red gown, slightly v-cut, with thin straps, very fluttery, reaching to my mid calves in an asymmetrical cut.

Darius is wearing white. Werewolf ceremonies usually have men wearing white and females red. It represents fire and peace. The man is supposed to be the protector of the family and therefore bring peace, whereas the woman is supposed to bring light and joy.

Pack members are gathered in the three circles, the closest ones, family members, standing in the central one.

Darius and I leave the house together and walk hand in hand towards the center of the crowd, as some members play drums in a fast rhythm.

I smile ear to ear seeing my mother and father standing next to each other surrounded with Terry and Dianne, Debra, Ian and his new girlfriend, and my brothers - playing with Bruno.

Bruno is probably one of the most beloved dogs that exist - he's enjoying all the attention he receives from the big bad wolves.

This past week's been a rollercoaster for our family. My Mother dressed herself like a human - camouflaging her vampire traits and promised to keep low. Father barely agreed accepting her into our home on this day - but I told him if he did, that we could all work on mutual forgiveness towards each other.

Other pack members are obviously disturbed by her presence, but no one can really start an attack given that she is their Luna's mother. Given that she doesn't do anything stupid, the day should pass just alright.

Darius and I reach the center of the crowd and take our seats onto the ground. The crowd goes silent as the music stops for our vows to be given.

My eyes travel to my 'brides team' - Rachel, Helena and Campton. They all have teary eyes - we must all think of our long lost brother. But I made sure Dione was here in a way.

Darius takes his wooden necklace off his neck and puts its other end over my head. Inside its middle, a part of the stolen jewel from the Carter pack. We had decided not to put it back. I've broken it into 2 parts and burried the other next to Dione's grave. And I kept the other inside this necklace. Darius knows about this part, but only me and Dione will know about the second one. I guess I will be telling the story to the generations to come after all. And I'll make sure to mention the rebel boy who once stole my heart. 

But my heart finally sailed into another port and allowed itself to anchor. I hope, once and for all. My havoc days might have died with Dione and I will make sure to be a responsible Luna to my pack, but I will always be the rebel at heart - infamous Lila King.

Our eyes meet for an intense stare before he speaks loudly.

"I join my soul now with yours and promise to live the remainder of my life protecting you and our offspring from all manmade evil, and to love you until my last breath."

I can't help but think in this moment how much more beautiful werewolf joining ceremonies are than human weddings.

I take my own necklace out and put it over his neck, lightly caressing it in the process. His smell is captivating and I have to concentrate hard on my mission at hand. "I join my soul with yours now and promise to bring joy into our lives every day and to love you until eternity."

The crowd starts cheering and whistling as drummers starts playing the drums again.

Darius leans into me and lays a gentle but long kiss onto my lips, our eyes shut. It gives me the feeling of complete safety. I somehow learned to love letting him be our protector. The role suits him perfectly anyway.

When we part and reopen our eyes, I lean to whisper into his ear. "I have a secret..."

"Lila. Again?" he asks with tension noticeable in his voice, then raises an admonishing eyebrow.

I shrug innocently. "When I said I promise to bring joy into our lives..." I gave him a significant smile, "I already started."

He narrows his eyes. "What do you-" he trails off as he sees my hand resting over my belly.

He focuses on my hand for a few seconds, then his eyes meet mine and I notice I have never seen this expression of his before.

He appears like a boy whose dream has been accomplished. Eyes glowing in silent victory, lips just outlining a small smile of utter fulfillment and feeling of completeness.

He touches my forehead with his and shuts his eyes, placing a palm over my belly and another one behind my back. Werewolf men start sensing their offspring in the first two weeks of pregnancy.

"Thank you," he says with an ear to ear smile.

I laugh. "Thank you. We both made this baby, Darius."

He smirks mysteriously, then slowly shakes his head. "Babies, love. We're having twins."

OK, before you move onto the EPILOGUE ....
I'd love it if you checked out my new book THE LAST RED, also featuring hot creatures and a very original storyline❣️...

❤️ so long and thanks SO MUCH for reading 😘 I legit love you all! 🥰💞💓💙

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