CHAPTER 10: My Turn Now

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||CHAPTER 10: My Turn Now||


23rd of April.

My heart was beating fast because for the last four days, I kept thinking about Logan and I, kissing - over and over again. I couldn't think about anything else, it was maddening. I thought about when he came over to our house, to comfort me. I thought about when we had our argument, before kissing. Yes, it wasn't the first time, but now, I didn't know what to think However, when the others interrupted, Logan had left with a small kiss.

Did I miss him? A little bit.

Now I know it's the slight fever, and headache that is messing around with me.

It was six o'clock in the morning; I knew that because my alarm started ringing. "Stop," I mutter, as I press the snooze button, thus stopping the irritating ringing. Great, it was time for school because I was feeling better. I was meant to go to tomorrow, but I wasn't feeling as bad as I felt for past four days. 

This morning, I was much better, and I couldn't wait to step outside for fresh air. When I was in the house, it was quiet and I didn't have a single person to talk to when Alex wasn't at home. From time to time, Taylor would visit once school was over, she was such a great friend. Then again, when Alex was home from work, she'd run down the stairs to greet him. This girl needs to stop; she needs accept Alex is homosexual.

Turning to the side, I look at the clock. It was quarter past six....Did I waste fifteen minutes, thinking?


Alex, being the nice brother he is, took me to school. Then, as soon as I step out, the people around turn to stare at me, I felt pride. "You love the attention."

"Oh, hello Ian." I smile, when I face him. In return, he nodded his head in greeting. "Yes, I love the attention, sue me mate."

"Attention seeker." He mutters under his breath.

There was an awkward silence between us. I didn't know to talk about, considering him and I weren't on good terms at the moment. I wish Ian was like the others, because right now, he was frustrating. I mean, those who were with me, knew of the consequences of being with me. Now, if it was another person, I wouldn't bother but it was Ian, a friend of mine.

"Before I forget, we are partners in cooking class." He said.

"I am not a good cook." I giggle. "We need to be careful, or I might set the kitchen on fire." I said, in attempt to make Ian smile or laugh.

It did not work.

I felt someone place their large hands over my face, "Guess who?" The said voice, giggles.

"Is it Gerard Piqué?" I ask, laughing, "Neymar Jr?" I kept on naming a list of different footballers, until he quit with a sigh. "Hello Matt." I said, smiling when I saw the adorable pout on his face.

Matt, he was a charming lad. He had the features of a Australian man, the blond hair, blue orbs. "I'm joking, Matt." I coo, roughing his hair. "You're much better looking."

Returning the smile, he hugs me. "I know." He said, arrogance in his voice. "Where are the others?"

I shrug, "I am not too sure but I'm certain we'll meet each other at lunch." I said.

A little while later, the school bell ran, signalling students to head towards his or her class. The first class I had was English and as far as I know, we were watching Kokoda; an Australian film.

"We'll meet at the canteen." Matt said, waving at us as he went a different direction.

When he was gone, Ian and I didn't talk.

As I walk into the classroom - in an instant I had a frown. There were two seats left, one next to a blonde girl, and the other next to, Logan. I was about to sit next to the blonde girl but Ian beat me, instead. While Ian sat down, he was staring at me with a mocking smirk on his face. Had he done that on purpose?


I bite my lip as I tried to look for a different seat, with hope. "Take a seat Tia." I heard Miss Smith instruct. I twirl around in direction of Miss Smith, who was sitting at her desk, with an expectant look, "Well, sit down." She encourages, smiling. I look in Logan's direction, and with a dramatic sigh, I move over to the seat - taking as long as I can, hoping for her to tell me otherwise. "Darling, don't be mad." She giggles, somehow figuring out the plan, "Logan is a great kid."


Miss Smith's smile brightened when I took a seat. "This morning, we'll be watching Kokoda from the beginning. Please remember, do not sleep or I'll be mad." Her brows farrow, "Do not hide, either.

As we were watching the movie, there were scenes that weren't fun and daisies. But, this as about war, I wouldn't think no less. A scene in the middle of the movie, made me jolt and out of fright, I held Logan's arm. "You're not frightened, right?" He teases.

"No I'm not." I whisper back, letting go of his wrist. "I am feeling cold." That wasn't entirely a lie, it was cold because the air conditioner was on.

"You're a terrible liar. Don't worry; I'll be your knight in shining armor."

"Watch the movie, Logan!" I hiss, looking at him.

My dark-brown eyes clash with his blue-hazel ones. His held amusement, where as I knew mind held anger. I must confess, he was a master at getting me mad.

No, this time it was going to be different. I was going to be a problem for Logan, I was going to be the one person he couldn't stop thinking about morning and night. With a pen, I write down a short note on a piece of paper I tore off, before I give it to him.

I didn't wait for for his answer. Instead, I stood from the seat and start walking to the front of the class, where Miss Smith was sitting at her desk. Once I took her permission, I step out of the class before walking toward to the toilet.

'Meet me in the girls' bathroom' is what I had written on the little piece of paper.

I had a plan to mess with him. A plan that will surely make him need more. I had forgotten I was tease to the male population. I would show off what they couldn't have unless they worked hard for it. Entering the toilet, I check to see if there's anyone. There wasn't thankfully. This meant I could continue with my plans.

The sound of the toilet door opening and closing put a smirk on my face. I knew he would agree on meeting me here. I heard his footsteps nearing. "What do you want Miss Frederick?" He whispers into my ear equally his arms snake around my waist.

"Everything you have to offer Sutherland." I reply, using my index finger to draw circles on his arm. Logan turns my body around to face him before he presses me up against the wall. "Everything." I repeat, whispering seductively closing the space between us. Logan's eyes waver for a moment; I could feel shock radiate of his body. Logan was always the one in charge, making the first move.

It was my turn now.


Hello, hello!

I really hope you enjoy reading this chapter.

Question Time!

What do you think will happen between the two?

Who do you want to see Tia with?

Well I'll leave you to it.


Love, E. V. M.

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