9. I can't

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Deep breaths in and out. 1 2 3 and 4, keep going. "(Y/n)!". I turn my head and see Kaidou running towards Saiki an I, he stops right in front of me and smiles brightly. "Are you feeling better?", he asks. You cock your head to the side and raise an eyebrow at him."I'm fine, I wasn't feeling sick at all". He turns to Saiki and sends him a glare. "Hey you lied to me! You said that she got picked up from school early because she was feeling sick!". You held your hand over your mouth as you let out a quiet giggle. This got Kaidou attention and his face heated up.

Suddenly you hear whispers and squeals. "Oh my god, look! Teruhashi just got here!", a fan girl squeals. I turn my head and notice the sparkly blue haired girl. Her smile was so fake yet she had everyone wrapped around her fingers. She flipped her hair and fluttered her eyelashes as boys feel to her feet, begging for her love and recognition. Why would you give your love to someone like that? Someone who would stomp on your heart and throw it out as if it were garbage. She meets my gaze and her smile lessens slightly. Her army of ass kissers don't notice it but I certainly do. I look away but its too late, she's making her way over to us.

"Hey Saiki, hey Kaidou", she coos. I look down at the ground and don't bother looking up. Somehow Kaidou managed to completely ignore the blue haired girl and focused his attention on you. "Hey (Y/n) are you alright?', he asks. You look up and send him a small smile. "Yeah I'm fine, I guess I just zoned out". He nods and smiles right back at you. Teruhashi quietly huffs and grabs onto Saiki's arm, pulling it to her chest. You watch Saiki's face and his expression doesn't change at all. "This is really uncomfortable", a voice says. You look around to see who said it but no one else is close enough. It would either be Teruhashi, Kaidou or Saiki and none of them opened their mouths. "It's me, I'm speaking to you in your mind". You turn you head towards Saiki to see him staring directly at you. "Saiki?". "Yup". You let out a quiet giggle. "The bell will ring in 1 minute and 24 seconds, make an excuse to get us away from her". I mentally nod my head. "Uh Saiki could I please borrow your notes from yesterday", you ask. He nods and pulls his arm away from Teruhashi, walking towards the main school building with you. Kaidou runs over behind you and walks on your other side. "Hey guys wait up!". Suddenly Nendou appears and begins walking on the other side of Kaidou. Time for school to start. *Bell rings*


I slowly change into my PE gear. To be honest I'm not into PE or any sports. Generally you would make teams with your friends but I don't have any friends... I used to but after all of that stuff happened I lost everything. I take a deep breath and walk out of the toilet stall I was changing in. A girl with short light brown hair watched me as I walked out into the gym. I think her name is Yumehara and for some reason she is always staring at me. She doesn't seem to have anything against me but I do notice her always looking at Saiki. I take a deep breath and enter the gymnasium.

"Alright class we'll be slitting up into teams to play soccer", the teacher announces. We all nod and watch as they pick two students to be captains. "Ok Teruhashi and Haruhi (Random OC)". The two girls get up and walk to the front where they can be seen by everyone. Names are called out and girls get up, it s a shame that you were the last to be picked. Teruhashi gave a wicked smirk that only you could see. "Ok then since your last you're on my team", Haruhi says, faking a smile too. I guess she was a nice girl but with the weirdos I hang out with I think she gets the wrong idea. I nod and stand up, making my way to her team.

The only thing I could really say was that it was horrible. Teruhashi and her friends tripped me up and hurt me in every way they could think of. I ran while dribbling the ball and managed to avoid most of their team. But one of her friends came up beside me and elbowed me in the face, knocking me to the ground. I lay there unmoving. I was conscious but I just couldn't muster up the strength to stand. "Oh my gosh I am soooo sorry", the girl apologized, her voice dripped with sarcasm. I don't want to get up anymore, I just can't...

Oh shit. Teruhashi ain't the innocent angel she wants everyone to think she is and with all the kiss asses around her anyone would take her side. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Vote and follow me for more. Thank ya XD

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