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Lila cried out as a blur of red and black tumbled over one another in the ring. The sounds of snarls and slashing teeth are heard in the farthest corners of the stadium.

Her fingers pulled at her own hair as she watched blood spill, unable to bear another second of waiting for this plan to unfold.

Julien ducked out after releasing Adonis, walking past the guards who knew him well. Men and women, that would surely die should they find themselves in the warpath he's about to create.

Julien let them in.

He motioned Kyler down a side corridor, one that would lead to their alpha female. The wolf alone, that would see to her rescue with the others needed in the arena.

"Kill the guards," He tells the teenage wolf as he hands him his card key, "And get her out of there, fast. She's not in the best condition..."

The vampire moved quickly, taking the rest of the un-turned wolves back to where he released Fang.

The guards stared, the questions on their faces in regard to all the strangers with him bringing them to talk among themselves. Considering the vampire who lead them, none thought to question, nor make plans that these guests were about to turn their world upside-down.

The wolves entered the stadium with no problem in Julien's glamouring, his presence alone.

Bentley smelled the blood, the dirt, the fear. He smelled Benjamin. He smelled Adonis. From the audience, the wolves all cringed to the cheers, the gasps, the cries of names degrading to their kind.

As they pass the threshold of the last members of security, Julien tells the wolves, "Don't leave any of them alive."

The six wolves left to the Seattle pack shift, turning on the security guards before they can grasp what's happening. Heads roll, from both human and vampire alike.

Just behind the luminescence of bright lights, Julien stood with the smallest of the wolves. Brother, to the alpha in the fight, waiting for the timing to end the horror in the ring.

"Now." Jasper ordered, as Bentley rushes out into the ring. Not far behind him, the wolves who flawlessly killed the security guards rush in to help.

Gasps and screams could be heard in the crowd, along with protests from large investors at the disrupted fight. Terror fills the air. This time, from the elite concerned for their investments, some, for their lives. The hundreds begin to flee, but some stand to fight the animals that now lead to their downfall.

Adonis is downed. His neck. pierced underneath the clenching jaws of Benjamin. The alpha wolf, the vampires renamed "The Monster".

Hunter smelled the drugs emanating from Adonis.  His eyes giving way to the distance from not just the crush of Benjamin's removing jaws, but from whatever these vampers put into his blood. The wolf looks to the southern vampire who helped them, seeing his intel on Adonis being rigged to lose was truth.

Adonis lost to the darkness, he teeters between life and death as he loses consciousness. Tapping him encouragingly to stay awake, Hunter focuses on the outsider who by his species, is a part of their pack now whether he likes it or not. Assassin or not, Adonis was still a wolf in trouble against their greatest enemy.

New security made their way down towards the arena with their electrocution devices.

Before Lila could make a decision of her own on what to do, Amelie was quickly pulling her to her feet and away from the chaos.

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