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I stomped down the stairs, angrily wiping my stupid tears away.

I can't believe this!!

First I had to accept the fact that we were part of some mythical world and that my parents lied to me my whole life.

Which, under normal circumstances,  wouldn't be so bad. I mean, we all read books or watched movies that have some type of mythical or fairy-tale element and then day-dream about what you would do in the character's situation or how you would act if you were born with special powers and abilities, so who wouldn't want that chance at a situation like that?

No, I'm not upset at that.

I'm upset with the fact that their lies are negatively affecting both my brother and I's lives.

Not only is Ares suffering because of his constant shifts, I'm suffering because I have no idea what to do, let alone how to help my brother and his wolf. 

And then there's the fact that I might die because my parents chose to lie to us instead of prepare us.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that gives me the right to be a little angry and bitter about my current situation.

I looked in the stupid room where my brother was being held and sighed.

After Rhys left, he shifted one last time before passing out in exhaustion. He was breathing and okay for right now but the shift did little to ease his pain. He was still whining and twitching, his little paws scraping against the padded floor.

I sighed again before taking a step back and looking at my reflection.

My hair was a mess, sticking up everywhere, my eyes were glowing purple and red-rimmed with bags underneath them, and I'm pretty sure my nails were bloodied from my constant chewing on them all night.

"UGH!!" I screamed before kicking the stupid chair Ethan brought me last night "WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!!"

I screamed and cursed some more, yelling out all the questions I had for my parents, wishing with all my might that they were here and could answer them.

I stopped cursing when I heard a whine close to the mirror.

I turned and saw my brother struggling to sit up, a foot away from the mirror. His head was turned to the side and although I knew he couldn't see me because of the one-way mirror glass, I felt that he somehow knew I was right there.

"Hey buddy" I touched the mirror "I know you can't hear me but I'm going to make it stop. I'm going to get you back to normal"

He continued to look and me and suddenly a old memory came to mind.

The wolves were howling and I whimpered in fear, scooting closer in between my parents.

When my dad saw what I was doing, he laughed.

"What's the matter Kassiopeia?"  he asked before sticking another marshmallow on his branch and putting it through the fire.

"The Wolves" I whimpered louder and allowed my nine year old self to snuggle closer to his side, just in case the Wolves tried to attack us.

He laughed louder before pulling the marshmallow out of the flame and handing it to my mother.

She smiled and made her s'mores sandwich.

WOLF MOONOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora