Extra III: Sweet Dreams

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Third Person's POV

"Prince Julius is at the... verge... of death...?" Silence then spread through the room after what Luke just said. Julius is one of his close friends. How can he not be able to stay sane when he heard it? He just kept his silence and but his fist shows how he really felt. 

His adopted father is in coma, Miki is dead and now Julius? Does fate has something against him? If so, he couldn't live anymore. People on his side kept dying. He rather be alone than to put harm to those who's precious for him.

But he wasn't the one who has the most impact of it. It is Jeanne. Jeanne is the fiance of the prince and moreover his childhood friend. She had been with him ever since they were children. Outward of her appearance maybe calm and a little depress, but inside her heart, it is more than that. As she a public figure, she cannot fathom on showing her emotions to public people. Even if she wanted to, she can't. This is a battlefield, not any other normal place that you can cry on.

"Shall... we meet with him? H-he.. is dying..." But no matter how hard Jeanne tried to hide her emotions, she wasn't able to hide it in her voice. 

The public may seen them(Julius and Jeanne) as only a engaged couple and nothing else. The public may seen that Julius has fell for another girl(Theresa). Maybe those two are true but "the public may seen that she(Jeanne) doesn't love him", it isn't. She loves him. The thing is she just cannot show it. She had excellently hide her feelings and was able to fool her dead sister, Miki. Not just her, even everyone else around her. She is just afraid that he might reject her feelings. And this especially intensifies when the rumor of Julius loving another girl that isn't his fiance. 

Luke just nodded at what Jeanne said and hurriedly gone to where Julius is. When they arrived, they can see him that he has a difficult breathing and felt that the injury in his stomach is really painful. He has his eyes almost closed but can still clearly see. 

Just seeing him in this state make Jeanne wanted to scold Julius for his reckless behavior. She is still hesitating to do something. Luke notices this and instead initiate the first action.

"Julius! Didn't I told you to not go reckless?!! See!! This what happens to you!!! T-thanks to it.. *hic* you...  *hic*y-you are dying!!"  Luke shouts at him, unable to control his anger and sadness. There is already few tears forming in his eyes. 

"S-sorry... got.... too excited..." Julius gave a smile in order to settle down the mood. He gave a look to the others to leave the three of them alone. Everyone notices this and leave them three alone. 

In the end, he just wanted to let Luke and Jeanne relax and not to pretend as a great model. With this, he'll finally able to say what he always wanted say. With this, she will finally say what she wanted to say.

"Jeanne... I---"But before he could say anthing, he was beat into bush by Jeanne.

"Idiot! Idiot Gabriel*! Y-you! Do you know how hurt I feel?!  Yes! You lost your father and mother! But! I-I! I lost my mom, father, miss Shelley(Miki's mom) and my younger sister! And now you want me lose my fiance?! You're bad! You're very evil! You don't consider what others feels! I understand you that you want revenge! But first be sure that you're life is safe! D-do y-you know *hic* how hurt... *hic* it feels... *hic* when I see...*hic* you h-hurt...?" Jeanne suddenly burst out everything she wanted to say but that. She reverted back to her original attitude, a selfish girl. Even without faking, she is still a lady but not that perfect anymore.

(A/N: Gabriel is Julius first name. His full name is Gabriel Julius Illus Azaneth)

After Julius heard what she just said, he cannot help but feel guilt. He is too blinded by his revenge. Even if the others are the same, they still value their own life and future. But no matter what, he cannot change the situation. He's dying. 

What should he do? 

Suddenly he then thought on what Miki just said. He have to confess everything in order to remove his regret. His time is running out. He really wish he done it earlier in order to spend more time with her.

"S-sorry, Jeanne. I was so stupid to be blinded by vengeance. But before everything ends, there is something I wanted to say to you. I love you, Jeanne" Julius wholeheartedly put his feeling into words. This time he will be straight to the point. No time for buying time or blushing. Luke noticing the atmosphere, leaves the room. Mah.. who wants to be a third wheel, anyway?

But this statement left Jeanne unable to response. Why? She thought he likes that other girl. He always show sincerity to that girl.

"I know. You're confused... *cough*.... I only viewed her as my little sister... and because of that I always show my affections to you... I do love you b-but... you're father is too much *cough* overprotective for you... and you might be in harm if they knew you are very important for me..." Every word that Julius said is engraved on Jeanne's heart. They always view each other as friends even though it was more than that. But no matter, she felt nothing but regret. They distanced themselves but always attract each other, yet not one of them admitted their feeling to each other. Death can only push their back to confess to each other.

Julius is satisfied to say everything he wanted to say to her. He had already thought of her rejecting his feelings. But this is still better than not saying it. He doesn't want to leave regret. On the other side, Jeanne is encourage to do what she always wanted to do.

"I love you too, Gabriel. I, I always wanted to tell you this. We both hide our feelings, denying... *hic*... that's why, I will stay.. *hic* I will stay with you *hic* at the end..." tears started to escape from her eyes. She wanted to spend every moment with him that she wasn't able to do in those years. She wanted to be at his beside 'til his last breath. When she looks at him, his eyes are crying. He is happy. He cannot help but put blame on himself for being coward. 

"I-I'm glad..." Julius leans to Jeanne as his and her face are getting closer. There's only a centimeter apart before their lips collide but before that...

"ONII-SAMA!!!" his little brother ruin their moment. Behind him, Luke tried to stop him. The little prince suddenly barged and hug Julius. In his expression, you can clearly see he is crying. Even though he is only 14 years old, he's quite brave to confront a conflict like this. 

Julius comforted his brother that he will left in this world alone. After some time, Theresa wakes up and cried in front of him. Every people, every comrades of his are crying for his eternal slumber. After a while, people started to left him in order to prepare for the next battle. Their are still in the midst of a war. Everyone doesn't want to waste their efforts, even Julius himself. 

The only one left beside him is Jeanne and his brother, Carl... but before he enters an eternal slumber, a first and last kiss is made between Jeanne and Julius.

""I love you"" 

Both of them said as they kissed each other. After that, Julius no longer breathes. His heart doesn't beat and has now enter an eternal slumber. He left a smile to the two people saying he can finally rest peacefully. Amidst inside, a two mourning can be heard.

Sweet dreams, Crown Prince Gabriel Julius Illus Azaneth.

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