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It was three days later that Mycah woke up feeling like himself again. He had spent the better part of the last seventy-two hours crying in his bed, his mood going back and forth between anger and depression.

He only left his bed to go to the bathroom, and only let his mom or dad in when they were bringing food. Even then, he barely ate and the first thing that crossed his mind when he woke up feeling better on Thursday was that he needed food, and fast.

But he restrained himself, knowing he had to pull himself together before he headed downstairs. He cleaned the room, slightly embarrassed when he saw all the books and trinkets that he had hurled at the wall. He opened the curtains and windows, letting natural light and fresh air into the room for the first time in three days.

He hopped into the shower then, afterwards dressing in crisp clean clothes and towel drying his hair. He was half tempted to rob Arden's comb, but decided that was a step too far with the whole personal presentation thing.

Eventually deciding he was ready to face the others, he plodded sheepishly out of his room. He headed downstairs, his stomach a queasy mixture of embarrassed and awkward.

From his position on the third last step he could see Arden and the four adults playing cards on the deck. Great, he'd have to face them all at once.

Oh well, it was going to happen eventually, he supposed.

He paused in the kitchen, grabbing a croissant from the counter and gobbling it down so fast he almost choked. Then again, maybe that would be a better alternative than having to deal with this. He could almost imagine the headlines: 'Teen boy dies by choking himself with croissant.'

Hey, at least he'd die doing what he loved most; eating.

Nevertheless, Mycah decided he was too hot to die young. I mean, think of all the hookups he'd never get to have. He couldn't do that to all those poor boys and girls, that would just be selfish.

With that thought in mind, Mycah took a deep breath before heading through the eating area and out the sliding door onto the deck.

"Room for one more?" He inquired, his smile a contradictory mixture or confidence and abashedness.

All five pairs of eyes shot to where he was standing. They had all been so engrossed in their game that they hadn't noticed him padding out.

"Mycah! You're up." Jillian said, her and her husband shooting up straight away.

"How do you feel, son?" His dad asked, signalling him over with a wave of his hand.

"Better. Embarrassed, too." Mycah admitted, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

From the corner of his eye he could see Arden staring at him weirdly, and resisted the urge to give him the middle finger.

"Mycah honey, no need to feel embarrassed. We're all just glad that you're doing okay again."

"Yeah. Sorry." Mycah replied.

"No need to apologize Mycah, you know that." His dad said gently.

Mycah could see Arden roll his eyes slightly at that statement, but he didn't bother even look at the guy.

At this stage Arden's parents had engrossed in a conversation with one another, giving Mycah and his parents a chance to have a private conversation. Arden had not been so polite.

"Thanks mom. And dad. I'm lucky I have you guys." Mycah spoke softly, meaning his words.

"And don't you forget it." His dad teased, shoving his son lightly on the shoulder.

The Art Of Finding Balance [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now