Chapter 10

10 2 1

***The picture is just something I Photoshopped yesterday for fun.  I thought it was symbolic so I put it in.  Yay!***

"Let the tournament begin!"

A powerful wave of sound buzzed from the audience as people cheered in excitement.

"All contestants, report to the playing field," the announcer commanded once the noise had died down.

The announcer was dressed in the Malynri Messenger garb, which Narira thought was odd given that it was an event for electrovites from all over, and that Malynri had nothing to do with it apart from the location. He held a large metal cone, yelling into it to project his voice.

"We will now announce today's contestants! There are 21 apprentices competing today."

Narira searched the group for Jay, but from so high she couldn't distinguish him from the others. He'll have no trouble finding me when I come here, she mused. My hair would stand out like a green horse in a sea of cats!


One of the girls stepped forward, waving shyly to the crowd, then quickly retreated to her place in the line.

"This is her third tournament," Ceylis informed Narira. "But she's done fairly well at the last two. She's doing Open Hand Target this time, which is unusual for someone so new."

"Q!" the announcer called next, somehow still sounding natural just calling out a letter. Narira saw the small girl take a large step forward and give an elegant curtsy.

"Ravasinio Lamelkria!"

Narira raised her eyebrows to Ceylis as a large boy stepped forward confidently. "I didn't know there were nobles here," she remarked. "Won't Lord and Lady Lamelkria question where he went?"

"Most children of nobles don't come. They aren't raised as independently as a peasant often is. However, House Lamelkria is rather laid back concerning their children. That's why Ravasinio there has a younger sister who has gotten caught in several... difficult situations... without the knowledge of her parents."

Narira shuddered, then turned back to the contestants as the next name was called. One by one, they stepped out and waved, bowed, or curtsied, then moved back to their places.


Narira looked down and saw the familiar long, sandy blond hair and flippant posture as Jay stepped forward and bowed. She turned to Ceylis again, startled. "His name is Bluejay?"

Ceylis nodded.

"How is it I never came by this information?"

"He doesn't like it. Just prefers Jay."

"Huh," she grunted in annoyance.

When the names had been called, the announcer called out that it was time for the first event of Stage One. "Sprinters, stay on the field! Everyone else, clear the way."

Slightly less than two thirds of the group exited the field, leaving eight sprinters. Ravasinio Lamelkria was among them, looking considerably more confident than his rivals. Of course he does, Narira realized. He's been raised believing he's better than them.

"Heat one," the announcer said brusquely. The first four contestants readied themselves, waiting. "Take your mark... go!"

The wave sprang from the ground and flashed forward. Narira's eyes widened in amazement as she saw them cross the finish line, not five seconds after they had started. The way they had moved had been so fluid and practiced, it gave the impression of a snake uncoiling and striking forward.

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