Chapter 6- Nezi vs the stupid Hyūga elders

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Nezi's POV

Well, now I am age 10 and the Uchiha massacre happened a year ago. I didn't bother to do anything because...... its was suppose to happen. meh, I might just tell Sasuke that I can see the future. I heard from Naruto that he keeps on being a jerk and always so emo. Just because his brother killed them, can't he make sense? I mean if his brother said that Sasuke wasn't worthy enough, what about the other Uchiha children? Aren't they not worthy also?

Is Sasuke stupid?

I was staring out the window in the classroom at the edge with Naida/Ree next to me, then Lee then Neji. In my mind, I will call her Naida and when talking I will call her Ree ok? 

So then I was constantly nudged and poked by Naida. 

"Psst" Nudge, poke nudge

"Psst!" Nudge nudge poke poke nudge

"Psst!!!!" poke nudge nudge poke

"WHAT!!!" I hissed silently at her. She backed off but then pointed at the teacher. All of the student seemed to have a hard time keeping their laughter's in. The teacher had his face caked with makeup... But a messy one that is and it looked like the Joker's face makeup.

I frowned and stared at Naida. "Did you do this?" I asked and she nodded and grinned then Lee gave a low-five under the table and Neji just pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed.


-After school- 

Walking with Naida, Lee and Neji, I saw Naruto being thrown out of the shop by the shopkeeper. I frowned more and I ran up to Naruto then punched the shopowner's nose. 

"GAHH!!" He cried out as he stumbled back, holding his bloody nose

"What the hell is wrong with you? Bullying on little kids. Tch, and people said that this place is peaceful. They are actually monsters secretly" I said

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!!!" He shouted

"Hyūga Nezi" I said as I glared at him. His eyes widened.

I kicked his family jewels as hard as my 10 year old foot can.He let out a high pitched scream... kinda like a girl, held onto his jewels and knelt down. I turned my back on him and picked up Naruto. He was very freaking light and small that I could carry him fully on my arms, and he is nine years old that looks like a 6 years old.

I ran away from the scene wihNaruto, Ree, Neji and Lee. I set down Naruto after I thought that it was far away enough

"You okay" I asked, pretending to not know his name

"Uzumaki Naruto -ttebayo!" He introduced himself

"I'm Hyūga Nezi. That's my twin brother, Neji. That Ree and Lee" I said, pointing to each person.

I then looked the sun and gasp

"We're late!" I yelled in panic, causing the three others to panic too.

"We have to get going now. Goodbye, Naruto!!" I said as I ran with Ree, Lee and Neji

"What was that about?" Lee asked as we ran

"Child abusers" I said and walked off, reaching into my pocket to get a lollipop and putting it in my mouth.

"Bye Ree, Lee" I said while waving my back hand to them and grabbing Neji's hand

We went back together and I left his hand to go to the kitchen. I saw cocoa beans and since I know how to make chocolate from the scratch, and there are no chocolate in this world, I decided to make choco muffin.

Died then turned into Neji's Twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now