Chapter 16- Reason.

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Damien's POV

"Sir, some of our men seem to be not responding. We think someone is doing this." My best man says to me from the front of my wedding. I look at him, "what? tell them to fix it." I say, ready too yell at him but keep my voice down. He nods and turns to some men behind him, probably giving them orders.

I stop paying attention to them when the doors open and my beautiful bride comes out, looking nervous. I make eye contact with her dad, daring him to do anything. At that stupid pool party, he told me to stay away from my precious Olivia. I just laughed and threaten his whole family, leaving Olivia only for me. I smirk at him while he just glares.

I look to Olivia, wanting to smile at how innocent and lovely she looks, like an angel. I was about to smile at her when she stops, looking around at everyone. I take a step towards her, ready to grab her but she takes a step back. We make eye contact, I'm sure she can tell how angry I look. Once we get home, I'm going to show her how mean I can really be, I'm done playing nice.

Olivia surprises me even more and turns, running out of the building. I start running after her but get stopped by the guards at the door, losing my patience, I just punch them in the face. I get out of the church and look to already see Olivia, far ahead of me. Now running again, my guards behind me, I call for her to stop.

I almost catch up to her when she starts going faster, I see that she is heading straight to a taxi. Pumping my arms faster when she starts getting in the car. The taxi starts driving off, leaving me in the dust. Olivia looking back at me through the window breaks my heart, I need her.

With that thought going through my mind, I tell my men to follow the car. I get in my car that was parked not far and start to drive like a mad man, looking for that Taxi. Gripping the wheel tight, I see a Taxi ahead of me and start going faster. I get in front of it and force the driver to stop.

I quickly get out of my car, wanting to have my Olivia in my arms. I open the back door, only to see a man with a really bad styled mullet. "what the hell man." the man yells at me. "Shut the fuck up." I scream back and slam the door shut. My phone rings from my suit pocket, I dig it out to see its one of my men, "do you have her?" I answer. There is a silence, "no sir, but we will keep looking." I don't answer, throwing my phone to the ground.

I get back in my car, I head back to my apartment. Opening my front door, trying to think where my little Olivia would go. She cant survive with out me, she needs me just as much as I need her. I set my key down on the counter and head to her room. Seeing the pink every where made me smile, she loved this room, I loved this room. It was perfect for her, why would she want to leave.

I lay down on her bed, having it smell like her. A knock at the bedroom door had me getting up quickly. I look up to see Collen smirking at me. "Did the little princess leave." he laughs. I take a step towards him in warning, he steps back, putting his hand up. " I'm sorry, okay. She was a delight to scare. Its a shame that she is gone." he says, looking like he is thinking of good times. "leave Collen, we have been done and how did you even get in here?" I tell him, walking past him to my room.

"You know no one can resist my charms." he says. I scuff at his reason. "what do you want?" I ask him, making me a drink. "To help." he says in a serious voice. I turn to him, waving my hand for him to continue. "I want to help you find your little princess. I can get my men to start searching immediately. With my help, I'm sure at some point we will get her." he says, rubbing his hands together.

"Why do you want to help?" I ask him, not having any idea why he would want to help me of all people. "Reasons and I just want to help an old friend." he says, holding out his hand for me to shake. I think about this, he probably will want something if he does find her before my men do. I also need Olivia to be with me, forever.

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