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You Don't Know Me

Chapter Six


~ Summer Preston's POV ~

So Anthony simply refused to tell me what happened to his face. He would just make dumb jokes about how I was taking our fake relationship too seriously. Which I would respond by telling him that I was taking our friendship seriously. But one thing I've learned from all the years of being friends with Anthony is if he doesn't want someone to know something, he won't tell them. So I dropped it.

But then I threatened to punch his other eye.

"What did I do?" He had exclaimed.

"You slept with Kali!" I had rolled my eyes.

"No I didn't!"

"Then how does she know what you like in bed?"

"You talk about me like that?"

That earned him a smack upside the head.

It had been 8 days since then but I still couldn't shake the feeling I got when he first opened his door. He looked so empty. I had never seen him like that. I completely dropped the confession thing because I didn't want to upset him.

Now it was Friday night and the entire house was in an uproar.

It was homecoming and everyone was at my house. And I mean everyone.

We lived in a small town meaning all of our parents were friends and our house was the biggest so we were hosting everyone.

My family, Marilyn & her mother, Kali and her parents (and their new baby), Tanner, his little brothers and parents, Anthony and his parents and his sister (and her date) and the girl Matt was taking to homecoming.

So there was a total of 28 people running around my home. There was also 8 of us rushing to get ready.

"Eric doesn't have a date?" Kali asked while we were doing our make up.

"Nope" I hum.

"I wonder why" Marilyn said to herself and I smirked at her. She knew why.

Eric tried to ask her at school during the week but panicked and made some excuse about asking her to help him study.

"I can't believe Tony is gonna have a black eye for the dance! You must be so upset that he's gonna ruin the photos" Kali said and I rolled my eyes.

So superficial...

"I'm more upset about the fact that my boyfriend has a black eye" I said and Marilyn smirked at me this time.

I've started referring to him as my boyfriend more to make it seem real.

"Thanks for letting me go with Tanner tonight Summer!" Kali squealed and I cringed.

"God Kali. Stop thanking her. She doesn't care about him anymore" Marilyn rolled her eyes.

"Who doesn't care about who anymore?" Eric asked while walking into my room with Tanner.

"Oh you know-"

"Where's Anthony?" I snapped. I didn't feel like being surrounded by them.

"Calm yourself. He's threatening Harper's date" Eric snorted.

"Poor kid" I hummed while pushing past Tanner and searching the house for my fake boyfriend.

"And if you hurt her-"

You Don't Know MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz