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I walked into a strange land. It was just plane land. No houses, no trees, no one tho the sky was dark blue like that on beaches. How did I ended up at this place? The last thing I remember is that I was brought to hospital and then I closed my eyes, felling into the darkness. And now when I opened my eyes I was at this strange place. I thought of quitting but a strange voice in my head said 'keep going' and so did I. Then the scenery changed. The plain land turned into a beautiful garden. The lush seen fields danced with the fresh air, the trees with red apple were also a sight not to be missed, and then I saw something or someone, standing near the faraway tree as if waiting for someone. His eyes were searching the place from where I came. I guess he hadn't seen me. So I decide to go near him because he was the only one who could answer all the questions. I was just 10 feet away from him when I noticed he had a familiar face....
No it can't be real... He's dead!

"Zack?" A question escaped my mouth before I could noticed. His head snapped towards me and smiled. This was an enough confirmation for me as I ran towards him and embraced him in a bone crushing hug.

"God Emma! You are cracking my bones."

"I don't care." He gave out a chuckle and massaged his hand on my back in a soothing manner. It was like my world was coming together... Is this my happy ending?

After sometime I pulled back to get my answers. "Zack what is this place?" His eye brows deepened with confusion.

"You haven't guessed already?" I just shook my head. He adjusted himself and pointed towards the strange light which I didn't noticed earlier.

"Emma you are dead... You died in hospital because of cancer. This place is called Field and that light is the gate of heaven." Of course it is. Why didn't I guessed already.

"Are you ready to spend your entire existence with me?" I wanted to cry but it felt like tears were not allowed at this place as I could feel nothing but happy. I held his arm and walked towards the gates. There I saw certain people standing..

"Are they what I think they are?"

"Yeah Emma that's your family waiting for you." With that I ran towards them knowing that Zack was following me prolly with a big smile on his face.
God I think I might lose wait from all of this running.....

Sometime we don't get our happy endings and sometimes we do. Life is a journey of hardships, it's all about losing people we love. Some people get tired and I also did but I was patient with it. I also thought that God was some frictional character but never guessed that He was my ultimate Provider, my Protector. This life is cruel and people in this life are more cruel. I was promised to get good life by people who thought they were gods but eventually all promises broke.. I think they felt short but my God never did. He promised me good and here I am, in heaven with everyone I love... God do exist, just try to believe Him...

Admins note: So here's the end of my story people. I hope you liked it. I want to thank all the people who read my story and voted for it.. Thanks again beautiful people. Have a good life!

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