Chapter. 8

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Nicole Vargas

I was so stressed and frustrated. Today I was going to meet a designer and I didn't had a single piece of clothing to wear. I groaned internally and stomped out of my room. For some reason, I was very moody since yesterday.

Now I know that Ethan is definitely dating Veronika Morozov. She called him yesterday and his angry mood immediately changed. From afar I could hear them talking. He sounded so happy, peaceful, and nice. A side he will never show me.

I walked into the kitchen and Ethan was having breakfast. He looked up from his laptop and mumbled a good morning. I ignored it and sat down next to him. "I don't have anything to wear. How am I going to meet the designer?"

"What do you mean, you don't have anything to wear? You brought clothes didn't you?" He asked, looking up from behind his laptop.

"Yes, I did. But I brought the wrong suitcase. The one I brought only has last season clothes." I let out a deep sigh and rested my head on my hand.

"It doesn't matter what season clothes you wear. Important part is that you need to be presentable." he said focusing back on his laptop.

"It matters! What the hell! I can't meet a designer wearing last season clothes. That's so unfashionable." I scrunched up my nose at the thought of wearing last season clothes. "I rarely wear last season clothes. And by rarely I mean never!"

Ethan just ignored me and continued with his work. This is what annoys me. When people ignore me. I hate it! "Don't ignore me! Do something!"

"What the hell should I do? You have so many clothes, don't throw a tantrum about clothes!" He closed his laptop and angrily walked out of the kitchen. "If you're not finished in thirty minutes, I'll just leave you and you can forget that you'll ever be a fashion designer!"

"What!" I yelled out. Thirty minutes? Who does he think I am? The Flash? I can never get ready in thirty minutes. He's the boyfriend of the Russian model, Veronika, he should have known. It takes at least two hours to get ready. "That's not enough time! You should know since you're dating Veronika."

He turned around and glared at me. "Veronika is nothing like you!" he snapped. "She's mature. She can cook without burning the kitchen down and there are more important things in her life than clothes. You on the other hand, I cannot say the same!"

I angrily stomped out of the kitchen. "Why do you need to insult me like that?!" I was so mad. Furious. No one ever insulted me like that. I ran back upstairs to my room.

I entered my room and closed the door with a loud bang. I was so mad. This is not good. It's not good for my skin. I calmed my breathing and tried to meditate to calm my soul down. I need to be calm. Stress can make you age faster.

When I finally calmed down, I went through my clothes to see if there was something to wear that wasn't really out of the season yet. I decided to go for a pair of denim jeans, a white shirt, and a blazer that should save the outfit. Denim never gets old, a white shirt is always a go-to. I always have a white shirt in my bag, because most of the time it can save an outfit. The blazer on the other hand, I wore it twice last year. I never wear my clothes more than two times. But this is an emergency situation.

I applied a minimum of makeup and curled my hair. I slipped into a pair of five inch stilettos, grabbed my bag and made my way downstairs.

Ethan was already waiting at the door, impatiently tapping with his shoe on the white tiled floor. "You're five minutes late!" He hissed and opened the door so I could pass.

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