Chapter 5: Pretty Brown Eyes

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You could say I was confused. And tired of Mary and her bitch fits. Even though she slapped me across the face and it hurt like bitch, I remained to look unfazed, I didn't want anyone to know that it hurt. I slowly turned my head back to where it was positioned before she slapped me and stared her dead in the eyes.

"Is that all you needed to get out of your system, or is there more?" I asked her with an unamused look plastered on my face. Logan, who was still beside me, chuckled a bit at my question, but mostly tried to hold in his laughter.

"Bitch, I told you to stay away from Logan" she shot at me. Logan was confused.

"Oh my God, I. Do. Not. Care." I told her while trying to stay calm, she was really getting on my nerves. "Logan and I aren't even friends. We're like acquaintances. So if you could get that through your thick skull and stop annoying me, it would be much appreciated. Oh and Logan isn't yours Mary. You never were his and you never will be and Logan is never going to belong to anyone. He's just as much of a slut as you are" I turned to Logan, "No offence" I told him and he just shrugged while I turned back to face Mary. "He doesn't like you, he just wanted to bang you, get over it" I told her with a tone that meant I was mad at her for not realizing she wasn't his, like how could she be that stupid. He has fuck boy vibes oozing out of him.

She was about to slap me again and I just decided to brace for impact, but I felt nothing. Her palm almost reached my face and then something stopped it. Logan must have good reflexes because as soon as he saw her arm move he grabbed her forearm right in front of my face.

"Logan, baby, let go" she pleaded as she struggled underneath his grip. I could see his grip getting tighter.

"Don't. Ever. Touch her again" he warned calmly as he gave her a look that shot daggers.

"You're defending her? she furrowed her brows together. "Ugh, dick" she added.

"We don't need to know what you had for breakfast sweetheart" I tried to hold in my laughter at Logan's comment, only cause it was probably true.

"UGH!! We are done Logan, it's over" she was furious and ripped her arm out from his grip.

"We were never together!!" he hollered emphasizing 'together' as she stomped away.

"Uh.. so tha--" I was cut off.

"You can find an even better way to thank me later Jones" Logan gave me a seductive wink while walking away and I responded by rolling my eyes. Like that was ever going to happen.

"What was that all about about?"Frankie questioned as he came up to me after he was done changing from gym. Perfect timing Frank.

"Hello Frankie, what a wonderful time to make your presence known" I hissed at him sarcastically while patting his back. He looked a little confused at my statement, but I really wasn't up for explaining what just happened.


School was over; my favorite part of the day. I was about to open the car door to my Jeep, but stopped when I heard a loud engine coming closer. I look up to notice a beautiful black 69 Boss 429 Mustang stopped in front of my Jeep. The windows were tinted so I couldn't see who it was. Then I noticed the window slowly coming down. It was none other than Logan, and of course he was smirking.

"What do you want pretty boy?" I asked Logan with an unamused look on my face. I just wanted to go home.

"So you finally admit I'm pretty" he raised one eyebrow seductively and smiled, he had a gorgeous smile.

"No I don't, that's just what everyone else is calling you, thought I'd try it out. Turns out I don't like it" I recovered quickly. I was the only one I knew of who called him that.

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