Parallel Life

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I really shouldn't miss you so,

Its not like it was serious anyway

A fantasy world, where anything is possible

Where love, flows freely, and we loose ourselves in each other.

A soft foot, a smooth leg,

Skin thick with the taste of a thousand dreams,

A naked body, absorbed in fantasy

Ready to consume me whole.

Tie me in knots of thighs,

I'm a gift with an ankle bow,

A mess of enamoured emotion

Wrapped entirely in the purest of skin.

Faced with loving like a man

A boy shivers with delight

Surges destroy me from the inside out

Imploding into hopeless submission.

A distant wish to hope for,

A fictional day to live for,

A beautiful lady to love for,

A special feeling to lust for.

Reality check.

Get real.

Stay mired in reality.

Flit from mundane to mundane

And do not think why.

Sit in countless tube stations

Stand clear of the closing doors

I step off onto the station, home

With no-one next to me.

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