Chapter 60 Insanity Escaped

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Chapter 60 Insanity Escaped

Jesse was daydreaming in the kitchen of the mansion as she emptied the dishwasher. The chores always seemed to go much faster when she was lost in a daydream. Getting lost in a daydream had been much harder after the bond with Callin. Especially since he had ran away, looking like a demon bent on revenge. She had no doubts that he was hunting. He was after the labs and all those responsible for everything that had happened to him.

The link to Callin allowed her and her sister, Jen, to really feel the depth of his rage. She almost felt sorry for those who were part of the nightmare of Callin's life. When he found them, there would be no mercy.

"Hey Jesse. You standing around staring at stars or you putting away the dishes?" Kevin asked, walking into the kitchen with Jace at his side.

Jesse rolled her eyes at them, at their exaggerated swagger. They both hadn't stopped flirting with her and Jen ever since they had come to the mansion.

"Staring at stars is better than staring at you two." She retorted.

She didn't really mind them, in fact she loved to get them riled up with comments like that, very flattered by the attention, loving the easy affection between them all. She hadn't known any type of closeness besides her twin sister. It was a new and fascinating experience, to banter back and forth with boys her own age. Boys who were obviously flirting with her.

Kevin leaned against the counter and gazed at her as she went about her chore, making her wonder if he was about to take his attempts to flirt to a new level. Then, as she reached up to put a stack of plates away, she froze in place.

The link between her and Jen and Callin had just gotten very active. She gritted her teeth, her eyes clamped down so hard it really did make stars dance in front of her, trying to fight back the sweeping sensations washing through her.

Callin was obviously extremely wound up about something. Ever since he had ran, the increasing distance had lessened their ability to sense his general emotions and sensations. Unless he was feeling something very strongly. Then it tied them together as if he were standing in the room.

They were both worried about him, but both of them welcomed the lessening of his influence in their minds by the distance. And they had noticed that the more intensely he felt something, the stronger the link carried his feelings and physical sensations to them, despite the distance.

Now, his heart was really racing, making his blood sing, making him feel hot and light-headed. And bringing both her and Jen along for the ride, the link cascading his sensations back into them, through them. Causing them to feel what he felt.

She felt her face heat up as she realized he was being kissed. As she realized he was reacting to the kiss, the link between them forcing her to feel what he was feeling, despite her frantic attempts to suppress it, to hold herself in control.

"Hey. Jess, you ok?" Kevin asked, his voice filled with concern as he and Jace stepped towards her.

She realized he had said something a moment ago, realized she had been staring off into space with her hands tightly clenched, not responding to him.

"I'm fine...I just...I just need to go lie down." She whispered, holding up a hand to ward him back.

She was sure that if she was touched right now it would totally shatter the feeble wall she had managed between herself, Jen, and Callin. The blending of his reactions, his emotions, with hers and Jens, was so disorienting that it scared her more than she wanted to admit.

A Touch Of Lightning (COMPLETED!)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora