chapter 2

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kylies pov- chapter two

I woke up having a horrible sickie feeling in my stomach maybe I'm coming down with a stomach bug or something. juts great I get sick on my birthday, what is it with bad luck and me. i got up and looked at my phone its already half twelve. jeez i never sleep this long.

I headed into the kitchen with my parents sitting at the table with a couple of present and a cake. " happy fifteenth birthday sweetie" my mum said as she engulfed me in a hug. " happy birthday kyl's" my father said as he gave me a side hug. "ok kylie presents and then cake" i just nodded while my mum smiled, but for some reason she still had a look of worry and sadness mixed together.

i was just about to pick up the first present when all of a sudden I screamed out in pain and fell to the floor i heard, cracking? what is going on this pain is to much I feel like I'm going to die. " LUKAS COME BACK DOWN HERE NOW!, ITS STARTING" my mum yelled to my dad, what was she talking about, what was starting. before i could think about more questions more bones started cracking and i started to grow black hair everywhere. what is happening.

"kylie, kylie listen to me. everything is going to be ok we didn't tell you because we wanted you to have a normal life we will explain later, we need to go outside now" and with my mum saying that my dad scooped me up in his arms and we all ran into the garden but we didn't stop we carried on into the woods. why?.

i got placed onto the forest floor and my parents backed away a little. I'm really scared, and its not a good felling. " mum what going on, it hurts so much" but before my mum could say anything all the pain was gone. I felt, amazing and when I went to go stand up I fell right back down again but a voice popped into my head. kylie everything is going to be ok, just don't freak out and just to let you know my name is Lexie and I'm your wolf. wolf what the heck is going on and why the heck is there a voice in my head. your parents will explain and just don't get mad at them cause they didn't tell you because they wanted to protect you. wait can you hear what I'm saying well in my head. yes and i can hear what your actually saying as well, I'm going to go for a couple of hours until you talk to your parent and get the hang of all this, bye kyl's.

ok well I'm really confused, i went to rub my head but stopped mid air looking at my ...paw i looked up to my parents who looked relieved i started crying but it came out as a whine. "kyl's we need you to turn back to human form and we will start to explain everything, ok" my dad said nearing me i went and stood up on, all four. saying that is weird. but what was even weirder was I was towering over my parents they looked a little surprised as well " kylie imagine your in human form standing right in front of us, ok" and I tilted my head doing as my mum said and then all of a sudden I was human form again. I looked at my parents but felt a cold breeze and noticed I wasn't wearing anything so I quickly ran behind a tree but I wasn't at the closest tree to them I was far away staring at them in confusion.

"kylie I know you can hear us so we have left a towel here and just come back into the house when your ready sweetie, love you" and with that i ran to the blanket and ran into the house.

"mum what's going on?, why did i turn into a big wolf thing? why do i feel strong-" " kylie we have a lot to tell you ok, just ask questions at the end after we explain" i just nodded my head and listened. they told me everything how i came from a long line of werewolves and that no one know that they exist and how my parents were alphas but had to leave their, pack, but promised they would go back after I first shifted which is what happened about half an hour ago."that's everything you need to know for now, when the time comes we will tell you other things to do with packs and.. umm...mates "I looked at my mum, confusion written all over my face, mates?. "mum what are mates?" she looked at me like she was about to give me a talk about sex she started talking and for some reason i really liked the idea of having a mate. someone who is made for you specially from the moongodess. someone who you will love endlessly and will love till the day you die, its beautiful. " that's beautiful, so does that mean you and dad are mates?" my mum smiled happily knowing that I'm not freaking out and how i find this, absolutely amazing.

"yes we are and we found each other when i was seventeen and he was nineteen, its the best feeling in the world when you find your mate. but before you come face to face you can well, smell them" i looked at my mum like she was some creep " no honey I'm not some creep it happens to everyone who finds their mate, you smell their scent which drives you into a frenzy which brings your wolf partially out and then that's when you find them."

why is all this stuff so interesting how all our senses are heightened and how we can talk to each other in our heads, my life is gonna change for the better, and its gonna be incredible. "so when will i find my mate?" i asked my mum looked at me with a small grin. "well you should be able to find them starting from today cause your sixteen" i felt the smile grow on my face, knowing that someone is out their waiting for me and I'm waiting for them feel exiting but i also feel nervous. " mum i know this might be weird but can i see your and dads wolf?" i asked as i looked over at my mum shyly.

"of course we just need to grab some extra cloths to put being the tree outside and we can go for a run" and with that we all got clothes and put them outside. "mum is it gonna hurt this time" i was really nervous cause that pain from the first time was almost unbearable. "no cause your bones have already moulded and broken into that shape before so it should be much quicker as well." and with my mum saying that Lexie popped into my head, are you ready to show them how awesome your beautiful wolf is. great i ended up with a cocky wolf. hey I'm not that cocky I'm just excited that we can finally talk. me, anyway lets shift and go for a run.

As soon as i said that to Lexie my bones started cracking and moulding into my big wolf. wow that was way quicker than last time and less, painful.

i looked over to my parents to see them shifting into their wolfs my mum had a beautiful pure white coat, as white as snow. while my dad had a light hazel brown with some cream, i wonder what colour my coat is, maybe its full black or black with other colours.

my parents and i started talking through our mind link 'kyl's your wolf is beautiful' my dad said 'thank you, um what colour is my coat though ' i asked ' its pure black, as dark as the night sky' i walked over to my parents and nusling my head between their necks.

Lexie why am i taller than my parents?. its because your not any normal werewolf your a lycan. your much stringer than any other werewolf I'm not going to explain everything, i will let them do that, but lets not talk about that now c'mon lets go.

and after that i started running as fast as i could, it felt amazing i could see, smell and hear everything it was extraordinary. i am overwhelmed but in a good way, its just unexplainable on how im feeling right now.

'kylie c'mon we need to go back its getting late and you have school tomorrow' my dad said ' k im coming, last one back to the house is a stinky dog' i said as i started sprinting back to the tree. i got back first and got changed quickly i turned around and saw my mum and dad still in wolf form panting, its quite funny how were supernatural creatures but awesome. i mean i just ran about ten miles in like five minutes and im not even out of breath or sweating like, what's up with that?

"kylie how were you so fast we were still about three miles behind when you got back here?" my mum said actually out of breath a little " umm i don't know but Lexie said something about me being different, i think she said i was lycan. whatever that means "I said

my parents heads shot out of the bushes like i said something that surprised them. " john she's like your father" my mum said to my dad " i don't understand neither of us are even part lycan, charlotte we need to get back to the pack as soon as possible" my dad said while glancing at me.

"i know we will go and visit on Thursday evening then we will move back in on the weekend ok" my mum said asking well sorta telling my dad " yes but for now " he stopped and started walking back to the house " kylies gonna get her stuff ready for school and go to bed its already 12". and then we started walking into the house and just before i walked up the first step my mum called on me. "yeah mum?" i asked wondering what she could possibly say now after everything " in the morning your going to notice, some changes-" i cut her off before she could say what i was dreading " please don't say im gonna start puberty all over again" i asked looking a annoyed. my mum started laughing "no sweetie, your body will change you will lose weight and then gain muscle, your body will become defined to try and match your agility and strength capabilities" my mum said still giggling, wait does that mean im gonna look i don't mean to sound cocky at all but, i will probably be stunning because im already in really good shape.

"so you will probably look absolutely incredible even though your already stunning to me, right goodnight kylie i will see you in the morning" she said walking up to her room. " goodnight mum, love you" and then i went to my room and passed out.

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