Chapter 27

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-Aurora's POV-

"Do we have enough time?" I asked looking into Xavier's eyes.

He had a far off look, I knew that he was mind-linking someone.

"Alexandra is contacting our allies. Alex, Tyler and Emma contact all this pack's allies and tell them to come to war and inform them that their Master is a traitor. In the mean time, we'll join my pack and your pack together. It will be easy because both packs are next to each other."

"Everyone, get ready for war! We don't know if he's going to give up without a war. But, I know that with this number of werewolves we can win against them easily." I said.

"I mind linked my pack and they are coming here. Our witch cut the borders of my pack and built one that includes your pack with mine." Xavier said. He had so many emotions in his eyes. He looked happy, worried, enthusiastic, stressed. It was really weird.

maybe, after all, I can live a happy life. Maybe, it's not my end.

After a while, different packs had arrived. Xavier and I told them my story and they all agreed to help us.

Suddenly, we heard a "BOOM" coming from outside and Henry entered the living room with guards. When he saw the numbers of werewolves in the room, his eyes widened

"What are you doing here" He asked

"All of us here are on Aurora's side, so you better get down from your throne and stop with this. Like really, what's the point in killing her? You're just going to make someone loose their life." One member of our allies said.

"Didn't you think about the consequences of killing her? 1 You would loose everyone's trust. 2 The Moon Goddess will never forgive you and you'll rot in hell. 3 You would let a pack fall because it doesn't have an Alpha while you're the Master of Alphas so you should keep all packs safe." Another one said

Henry stood there shocked , than he shook his head and out his arms up in the air " Forgive me" He said "I didn't think about my actions twice. If you want to take me to the cells, I would go there willingly."

"Take him" Xavier ordered.

Henry placed his arms behind his back and two warriors came to take him to one of the cells, suddenly the warriors fell to the ground and he looked at us and aimed at us two Kalashnikovs at us.

Our eyes widened. We were on side of the room, while he was on the other one, alone.

"You weren't expecting this, were you?" He said with venom dripping from his voice.

"3, 2, 1" He counted then started shooting furiously at us.

"GET DOWN" I yelled using my Luna voice. Everyone knelt, even the Alphas.

"Mom, help me" I whispered. Everything was happening so fast.

I put my hands in front of me and focused on getting all my energy to them. The million bullets didn't reach us, they were cut to billion pieces. In the same time, Theresa came from behind him and took his throat in her hands and choked the hell out of him.

Everyone looked up amazed. They erupted with 'Woo-Hoo's and 'YAYY's.

Someone coughed from the crowd and said "I would like to say something"

I nodded telling him to continue talking "I think it's time we get a new Master of Alphas, and I don't think there's someone that deserves this name more than Aurora. So who's with me?"

The crowd stayed silent for a moment, but after a while someone said "I am" and everyone followed after him.

I was in tears by now "Thank you guys so much" I said

And everyone came in for a hug, but it didn't seem like a hug, it looked more like a room full of people.

This was so beautiful.

I thought about every time I wished I could die. But, now, life is so much better, everything changed. I never thought that one day I'll be the Master of all the Alphas.

So guys,

YOLO. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE. Live your life, even if it's hard. God gave you this life because he knew that you're strong enough to live it. No matter how broken you are, you can still move on. Even if your life takes a huge U turn, it will get better. Don't give up. Someone will appear in your life someday, and he'll change everything. If you give up, you'll be missing on everything that will happen in the future. People are dying everyday, three quarter of them are wishing to live one more day, don't loose a day of living while so many people are dreading to have one more day on earth. Just smile. You're beautiful the way you are. There's always hope.



I JUST FINISHED THIS BOOK! I still need to edit it and write the epilogue and the prologue.

Thank you for reading this book till the end.

I'll start writing a new story soon. Stay updated.

Tell me what you think about this story.

P.S: This is my first book and English isn't my first language.



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