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It all started in the winter of three twenty-eight, on a day when the wind was howling and the snow was falling heavily. As the Macedonian army marched amongst the vast mountains through a flurry of white dust, their breaths came out as mist while the red cloaks did not do much against the iciness that drilled its way into their bones. 

Yet merry was the time for those generals and the soldiers. Alexander and his men had conquered Persia, the most powerful place on earth. Persia! The very land which had once seemed impenetrable and indestructible, yes, they had conquered it. After such a victory, their eyes were opened to millions more riches awaiting them.

The soldiers' hearts were light as they trudged through paths rocky and steep. This time, Alexander the Great had decided to conquer the mighty land of Sogdia, and nothing could stop him from succeeding in this mission...

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