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IG°°°°°° Malave2god


"Get your bloody hands off me!" i yelled at the two men who has a tight hold on my arms, this is the third time this month, honestly i'm not even scared.This happens so many bloody times it just pisses me off.

The hands that's holding me ripped the black sac off my head and comes so closes to my face i can smell his disgusting breath

"Shut the fuck up, the only reason we aren't killing you is because they need your ugly ass" he snarls trying to put the fear the god in me, which he did not succeed in.

"How about you taking your stinking ass breath out my face" i said and pulled at my arms he, he held on tighter then grabbed my other arm roughly from his friend

"Are you disrespecting me?!" he roared, his spit flying to my face.

"No, you just disrespecting me" i said lowly, I quickly brought my knee up and slammed it into his ball, he went down with a shriek. I turned quickly to see the another man throwing his fist back to punch me, i bent low gripped his waist and swung my leg up, slamming my knee hard into his stomach, he went down with a groan and i swung my leg back once more and slammed my hard booted foot into his face knocking him out cold.

I bent and pulled out his phone from his pocket and typed in Brad's number, in placed the phone into my ear and walked over to the man on the ground holding onto his balls

"Hello?" Brad's voice says into my ear, i brought my leg up and slammed it into the man's face then i did it again then again

"Its me, come to this location once you track this phone down" i said and walked over to the street and away from the warehouse these assholes tried to dragged me into

"Fuck me, again?" he signs

"Yes, now hurry i ordered pizza and i want to be there so i can eat it" i said then threw the phone in the trash without ending the call so he can track it.

It took a while but once i saw a car zooming down the road i got up from my seat which was the unconscious man bloated stomach. I walked over to the car and threw myself in.

"My pizza" i murmured looking over to Brad who was looking at me weird.

"Babe, you were just kidnapped and you're worried about food" he says making a u-turn and zooming down the street when he saw my pout he sighed and pointed to the back.

"I quickly picked it up, i know how grumpy you can be when you haven't eaten" he said, I excitedly turned around and saw a pizza box sitting there waiting to be eaten, I quickly snatched it up and smiled when I felt the box was still slightly warm

"Would you like want one?" I asked opening it up and tried not to shake in delight when the smell hit my nose, I grabbed a slice and started to devour it

"No, thanks"

The whole car ride was silent but my chewing, we made it to the front of my house and I turned over to Brad and punched his shoulder.

"Thank you! tell the wife I said hi" I said getting out of the car with my now empty pizza box

"Will do" and with that he drove away, I turned on my heel and walked over to my townhouse, I walked up the steps and walked into my house which was unlocked seeing as those two big dumbass broke in.

I closed the door behind me and made sure to lock it. I walked over to the kitchen and threw the pizza box on the counter, I then walked over to my laptop which was laying on top of the couch. I'm not tired so I'll do some light hacking.

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