Chapter 9- Daisy Williams- part 1

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I wooke up with the sound of my alarm. My second day of school was waiting for me, and I hoped so much that people didn't remember what happened...

I got up from bed and I put my pink flippers and two grey socks. It was time to choose my clothes. I opened the window, to see the weather and it was a pretty sunny day. So, I opened my wardrobe, and I choose two grey shorts, a simple white t-shirt and a lether black jacket and black shoes. I always loved the color black. I had to look good, to cause a good impression after that incident, and I looked pretty good. I also shaved my (h/c) hair and curlied/straighted it. I decided to put on some make up too. I put a little base, my (f/eye shadow), a red lipstick and a eyeliner. It was a long time since I last used make-up. But I looked, at least, apresentable. The t-shirt was tigh and the shorts were as well. If that doesn't cause a good impression, I don't know what will.

I climbed down the stairs to the kitchen and my mother looked at me with a strange look. She wasn't used to me using make up or tigh clothes, since I've always prefered large ones, not like the people of my age, who wear high high high heels, who put tons and tons of make up, who always have their hair on the floor and who always wear black. I always considered myself as a different fashion lover. I loved large clothes. They were just so comfy and warm. More in the Winter, in Summer I loved to wear large clothes as well, but more freshes.

"(Y/n)...Are you sure you wanna go to school with that clothes? I mean it's not that they don't look good on you, it's just that..." My mother stopped for a moment and I gave her a little smile "Don't you think it's very exaggerated for a simple school day? Also, why the make-up?"

I giggled, but my mother wasn't finding that funny. She was in complete shock. She needed to understand that I'm in an age of trying different clothes and styles. Besides, I really had to look good for the people in school don't think I'm weird and....A freak for being friends with Michael. Maybe they won't be so hard on me if I look good today. I know that's really superficial, but they are too so...I guess it doesn't matter.

"What? I was tired of large clothes. I'm old enough to use this, I think. I mean everyone wears this, I wanted to try too" I responded giving her a big smile, that I knew my mother couldn't resist....

And I was right. I was so excited that my mother giggled a bit. I knew I could convence my mom...

"Well, good for you. But you gotta hurrry now. C'me on! To the kitchen for breakfast" My mother said purring to the kitchen


After I eat and do the rest of my morning things, I grabbed my bike, ready to go to school. It took me a while to memorize the path to the school, but I could finaly know it all. I was always pretty good with maps. I just to keep following the principal road until the big library at the center, and finaly keep going on the second road. It was a pretty easy path I guess.

While I was riding my bicycle, I just couldn't stop thinking how Haddonfield was beautiful, and hadn't changed anything, for the 5 years that I was on New York. Of course, there were some new houses, but I could recognize each one of the old ones. It was even greener that I remembered. Trees and beautiful plants were everywhere. And I just kept thinking about how Michael and I used to walk towards this road everyday on our bikes. Since he didn't have one, I gave him my older brother's one.

Lawrence is now working in Kentucky. He sometimes went to New York to see us, but even so, since he went to college, that he doesn't spend a lot of times with us, and I understand him. I want to go to college as well...But I wanna be so many things, that I don't even know what I wanna be. Maybe a vet? Maybe a teacher? Well, I can be everything that doesn't have languages or human sciences. I've always preferred science, maths and chemestry. I've never liked english, history or geography.

While I was lost within my thoughts, I noticed the sillouette of a girl in her bike too. I couldn't see who she was, but I only know that we ended up crashing on each other.

I let a scream, while I ended up on the floor with an annoying pain on my knee and arm. My father was right when he said that I should wear protection...

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" I heard the girl saying. She got up and gave me her hand. I accepted it "Are you okay?"

I gave her a smile, and she let a sigh, knowing that I was okay. She had a british accent, which I found adorable.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you. I'm sorry. I was the one who bumped into you" I said to the girl.

She had long straight blond hair and two stunning blue eyes. She was a bit taller than me, but I could see that she was the same age. She was wearing a large flower dress with a brown cawl.

"I'm Daisy. Daisy Williams. Sorry, I'm new here and I still don't recognize the road to school" She said.

"It's okay. I'm not here for a long time as well, you know?" I said and I reached out to her "I'm (Y/n)"

Daisy accepted the handshake and she smiled to me. I could tell that she weared braces. She was a very pretty girl, I was nothing compared on her.

"Are you from England, Daisy?"

We separated our hands and she picked up her bag that was on the road. We had to be careful to not be hitted by a car.

"Yes, actually. I moved to the USA 4 months ago, because my mother will be working in a collage here, in Illinois. Are you in which year?"

Daisy had an adorable voice and accent, and I couldn't stop listening to her. Suddently, we heard the clock of the church. Two minutes for the classes to begin. I got in panick and I jumped to my bike. So did Daisy.

"Answering your question, I'm on second year" I replied while I kept riding my purple bycicle.

"Me too! With luck, we're on the same class!" Daisy said with a big smile.

We kept talking while we drived to school. We had a lot in common. Bands, music, movies etc

Little did I knew that the adorable english girl could be my life's worst nightmare...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2018 ⏰

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