XVIII. Nine Years Old

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I was soaking of sweats and my face and whole dress are covered with dirts and muds as I run to the other end of the obstacle course that my father prepared for me.

I run. I crawl. I jump. I hide. I climb. Just to finished this military obstacle that my father made exclusive for me.

It's been years since I started my hellish training and until now, I never yield. I never complained no matter how hard my father made for me.

I sometimes train with other military soldiers that under my father's command.

I study military strategy and techniques.

I mastered martial arts and different weapons.

I excel in archery and raise both my inner and outer mana base. Making my name resounds over the kingdom.

I was known as a genius doctor as well as military strategists.

But none of those cleared the dirty rumors about me.

They still believe that all of this are lies to clean my dirty reputation.

No one believes that a nine years old me is a good military strategists and a genius doctor and pharmacist since I invented different medicines.

No one believes the reality and prefer the lies.

But I turned deaf about all of those dirty water that splashes on my head.

I'm already used to it.

Even if they gave me hundreds of mouth, there is no use since the lies are more believable than the reality.

So, instead I clean my name, I focus myself on improving my strength and within this years, I am now a yellow mage and a bronze base level.

My hard work gained a satisfactory result, making both my parents and brothers proud for me.

This years, Chris niisama entered Ygdrassil Magical Academy just like his dreams while Kyle, just like me, progress his magic power and now his already a blue mage. Very rare for his age of eight. A real prodigy.

Daisy sensei stops teaching me last year since I almost reach perfection both borrowed nature, elemental flow control, and mana absorption. There is no more she can teach except for me to have my own experience or enter Ygdrassil Magical Academy to learn intermediate and advance magic spell. Since there is a rules, Daisy sensei can only teach me basic magic spell... but I found out my cheat-like ability. Just like what Lily told me before, Magic is Imagination. Being an otaku, I've got a wide imagination in my head and I only needed to use my head to imagine something and control the mana in my body to create magic spell. There is no need for a chant or something. Daisy sensei warned me about my ability, she told me that I should not use this ability except if needed. So, even I am a chantless magician, I still studied basic magic chant spell to cover my cheat.

After my daily training (after I reached the end of military obstacle course), I took a shower and eat my breakfast with my family (excluding Chris niisama since he is studying at YMA).

As we eat our breakfast, father break the silence when he mentioned about his subordinate's daughter's birthday the day after tomorrow and two weeks later was a tea party that the crown prince hosting in the capital.

When he mentioned that, I remembered the side event of the game.

It was side event since it will only showed as a memory of the heroine but also stands us the more important event since she will meet the love targets in the said event.

The Bright Future Awaits! The Villainess Lady's Route of HappinessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ