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I walk out of the bathroom and jump back into bed, alone. Klaus was downstairs doing god knows what. I sigh, remembering some moments that happened last night.

The embarrassing ones to be specific, the one where I went off on Hayley like a jealous girlfriend. Something I deeply regret and cannot take back.

I mentioned it to Klaus and he just continues to tease me about it. Now, all I want to know if Klaus gets jealous and how will he act? Probably kill a man if they look at me in a different way.

I groan and began to clean up the very messy bedroom filled with last night's clothes. I throw them into the hamper and sit on the bed, getting lazy.

I lay back on the bed and stare up at the ceiling, thinking about last night. Then my thoughts tuned to will I have a future with Klaus? What will I do when I graduate? I'm not sure if I want to run off with Klaus or stay here and continue my plan what Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, and I created ever since we were kids; to go to college together.

A part of me wants to leave Mystic Falls for good and explore the world. That was plan B if the first plan didn't work out. But, everything has changed and at this point I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do next.

I hear the door open and soon feel a presence lay right next to me. "Good morning, love." he says to me and gives me a soft kiss on my neck. I flutter my eyes shut and he makes his way up to my lips, giving me one last lingering kiss before pulling away. "What's on your mind?"

I smile and shake my head. "Nothing." I tell him and give him a kiss, about to pull away when he pulls me on top of him. "Surprised you're still walking, even after last night."

I playfully roll my eyes at him, about to get up for a second time, but he pulls me down again. Only this time, he was attacking me with his kisses.

I kiss back, my hands moving up to the side of his face, then slowly moving backwards to his head. He flips us over, hovering over me as his hands slide up and down my sides.

He ends the kiss and moves down, kissing down my neck. I take my hands and stop him before he could continue. "Klaus..."


His eyes are staring up at mine. Klaus is still on top of me, just lower. "We're supposed to be at Stefan's. He called and I said we'd be there." I tell him and he scoffs. "Stefan? What could he possibly need from us?"

"Ugh, I don't know. He said he might know where Silas is." I respond and he rolls his eyes with a loud sigh.

"So... in order to do that, I need you to move." I say, giving him a quick smile. Klaus doesn't move, instead he uses his strength to move me and presses my back against the headboard.

I gasp at the sudden cold impact that shivered down my body. I was now sitting against the bed with Klaus still staring back up at me, only this time with his usual famous smirk.

"Hmm, Stefan's gonna have to wait, sweetheart."


Caroline is collecting trash from around the house, which is still a disaster after Elena's party. I roll my eyes at the thought of Elena throwing a party for her own entertainment.

"Maya! Thanks for joining! The trash bag is in the kitchen and you can start at that corner." Caroline tells me, pointing to a random corner before finding a cup that still has alcohol in it and thriftily drinks the last sip before tossing it in the bin.

I groan and walk into the kitchen to retrieve the trash bag she said earlier. There was no way I could get out of this one. It's usually always Caroline and I to clean up after people's messes. Unless...

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