Chapter 33

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Serena's POV:

Cold raindrops hit my face and I shivered. My mind was hazy, had Darien left the window open for some fresh air? I shivered again, I wasn't used to feeling cold since Darien was always holding me. Where was Darien? I tried to sit up, but realized that I could barely move.

"Shit! She's starting to wake up! We aren't close enough yet!"

"No wonder she woke, the blankets came off her head. Hold still, I will put more of the powder by her face. The fumes from this stuff are pretty weak and we had to use this since we didn't want her mate to notice."

The blankets were wrapped loosely around my head again. My body didn't want to cooperate with my half-drugged struggle. A crisp smell became stronger and I blacked out again.

My mind tried to sort itself out. The blankets were soggy and cold. The memory of the voices returned, and I inhaled in alarm as my eyes opened. I had been drugged. I struggled to sit up as I looked around in desperation. Where was Darien?

I was sitting against a wall under some sort of small awning that looked like it had been hastily rigged up. I blinked as I tried to make sense of the little I could see in the darkness.

Four dark grey metal walls formed a huge room. I didn't see anything like a door either. The rain was still falling and poured off the edges of the meager shelter. A flash of lightning lit up the room from above. I leaned over a bit and glanced up as I realized that it wasn't a room. It was actually a deep pit or sunken room of some sort.

It was as long as a soccer field was wide and half that in width. The only thing in this pit was the awning, my blankets, and myself. I shivered against the cold. The blankets were damp and cold. I knew from reading so many books about survival in the wilderness that this was not good. I had no way to warm up and I was getting chilled.

The bond stirred as my mind cleared and my fear built. I looked around again, but there was no way for me to get out of this pit and to leave the awning would mean that I would immediately get drenched by the cold rain. The bond told me that Darien was quite some distance away. If I shouted, even he would not hear me. How I wished that he was able to sense my direction!

There was no way for me to get out of here, but there was one thing I could do. I started humming a general help song. I wasn't fussy and didn't really care which form the help came in. About two minutes later, I jumped as something hit the ground near me. A bulky bundle was just out of my reach.

I heard an irritated voice from above, "Why did you do that?"

"If she dies of exposure, then all of this is for naught. I sure don't want to be the one to explain to Councillor Mitchell that we were responsible for this plan failing."

I didn't hear anything else, but whatever the bundle was, it was something that would help me. My arm got wet the second it left the shelter of the awning, but thankfully it was close enough that I didn't have to completely leave the small awning. I would have been soaked in an instant if that happened.

The bundle was a thick blanket wrapped in some sort of waterproof case. I pushed the soaked blanket to the side and spread the case on the ground before wrapping myself in the dry blanket. My clothes were still damp, but that couldn't be helped, and the dry blanket was making a difference.

At least one of the Council members was behind this. I wasn't sure what plan was in place, but I was quite certain that they were trying to force Darien to do something. There was a good chance it had to do with the war.

If past events were anything to go by, then they were going to regret this. Anyone who took me from Darien paid a high price. The lab had been levelled and those in charge were dead. Clair was currently on the run for her life, and I knew if Darien ever found her that there would be hell to pay.

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