Chapter 19

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Rome's P.O.V

It was past dinner time.

We had all gathered back at home after prying Rose away from the store. It was an odd day as I was back with my family in a more carefree environment ,and had Adeline with me. Her presence entices me more and more each time. She never questioned my change in behavior or referenced to a time where I behaved irrationally. 
She just simply lives.

No questions.

No restraints.

Just an attitude that makes her shine.

Rose has heart eyes for Adeline as she wouldn't stop talking to her on the way back. I swear I saw hearts floating around her head. Rose had made her way to the kitchen to prepare her famous double chocolate sandwich after scarfing down her dinner.

Ma and pa were in the living room dancing to soft music. Swaying; left and right. I leaned my head against the side of the wall and my body relaxed as I watched them sway.  Effortlessly and  deeply in love. There was an aroma that filled the room, maybe it was love.

I always said that love was weird, especially the kind that lasts a lifetime. How do you stay true to who you were when you first fell in love and not change from the drastic measures life gives you.

How does love just stay in love?

Everything in life moves at full speed so how can love stay still, how can love be frozen?

How am I full of doubt when my parents are a living fairy tale?

They laugh softly and continue to dance as my ma had moved to stand on my father's feet complaining that her little legs are too short. I leave them be and look for the one that wandered off after dinner.

I move towards the balcony and see a figure sitting in the back garden against a pillar. I walk towards her and see a glowing Adeline with her eyes closed, softly humming a beautiful melody. Her beautiful voice echoes softly and the moon is no match for the radiating sound of her voice. Her curls have softened and they fall over her shoulders.

Adeline is simply breathtaking.

Her eyes closed, but I know every detail of them once they're open.

Her lips shaping to notes as she hums, but her smile is still clear as day in my mind.

Her aura is so welcoming and so pure that one feels as if they're drowning in her presence.

I trip over the chair on the balcony, foolishly forgetting that there was more around me then just her. I fall head first and hear her coming towards me.

I turn around, my eyes closed.

Blurry from the fall my eyes couldn't see clearly until her face was a few inches from mine.

"Are you alright?" she asked. Her eyebrows pulled together in worry. her eyes scanned my face, my arms and then right on to my eyes to check for any signs of pain.

The only thing that hurt was my heart, but I couldn't tell her that. I couldn't tell her it hurt to be around her because she wasn't mine. Or maybe it hurt because I knew I could never have her.

Nevertheless I spoke.

"I'm okay" I said.

She shook her head in agreement. She got up and offered me her hand, which I gladly accepted.

Her hands were soft and small.

When I was standing fully I noticed how much taller my frame was to hers and how her head was right in front of my heart. My eyes never left hers and the silence around us was threatening. Neither one of us moved and neither one wanted to. Or at least I hoped she wouldn't.

She smiled softly and let go of my hand.

She walked towards the ledge of the balcony and stood up.

"Be careful" I said.

"If I was to fall would you catch me?" she asked.

Her move was bold, and her question even bolder.

"Do you have a doubt I wouldn't?" I replied.

She smiled, "when it comes to you I don't know what to expect." she replied truthfully.

Her answer hurt, but it was honest. I am not predictable and often times I have been ruthless with her. It is obvious this change in behavior has her wondering.

I smiled and walked towards Adeline and stood on the opposite side of the ledge. Both of us are now a few inches from falling 100 meters to the ground.

"Expect me to save you" I said as I took a step towards her.

Her eyebrow rose in confusion.

"Expect me to stare, expect that I call you at 2 in the morning just to hear your voice and expect nothing less than loyalty" I said walking towards her with every step.

A few feet from her I slipped.

I braced myself as I expected to fall, but she had other plans.

She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me up.

"Expect me to need you, because you are my saving grace" I said.

"You make no sense to me. How did I save you? We barely know one another. I am your employee." She said.

"Can I ask you to be my friend first?" I don't know what this is or why this is, but I know I need you in my life as more than a 9 to 5 worker." I said.

She chuckled.

"I don't know I don't make friends so easily. Especially with my bosses." Adeline says.

"I'll do whatever it takes." I replied smirking.

"I just want your honesty, no games, no lies and no tricks. Just the real you." She said.

"Then that's exactly who I'll be" I said.

She nodded her head, and turned around to walk a way but after a few steps she spoke.

"Please don't expect anything from me. I'm not the person everyone thinks I am and I especially am not the kind of girl you need." She says without turning around.

"That may be so but maybe you're the kind of girl I want." I say moving closer.

"Wants are temporary. Needs are forever." She says as she walks away.

I go to respond, but she's already out of plain sight.

Now that is a real mystery- what does she mean? I move to look through the closest window and see her mingling with my family.

She dances foolishly with Rose- and my heart swells at the sight.

This can't be temporary.

A/N- I know this is long overdue and I apologize deeply. Stay tuned for more and thank you for being so active. I am very grateful for you all.

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