Chapter 1

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The dawn crept under the heavy velvet curtains of her bedroom. While she slept the sun's rays warmed the window panes. She slept soundly, unaware of the voices down the hall. A sudden crash woke her from her slumber. She slid from her bed and padded down the hallway seeking the source of the crash.

A heavy locked door blocked her path. She could here raised voices behind it. Her small pale fingers touched the wood as she pressed her face to the keyhole. She could make out people in the room. They moved around, agitated. A man shouted and someone hushed him. She tried to make out their words but the wood distorted the sounds and many of the words she didn't recognise anyway.

Silence fell in the room and the figures turned. The girl fled from the door, running quietly back to bed. She jumped beneath the covers only to land in a slick mess of warm blood. As the crimson liquid dripped off her hands and feet she screamed.


Raven awoke with a start. It was nothing more than a memory, she reminded herself, a memory tangled in a nightmare. She stumbled out of bed and pulled the thick velvet drapes back. Sunlight flooded into the room. Moving slowly she dressed herself and brushed her long black hair. The day was young and she had no rush. She pulled on a dark green dress and brown leather boots. Her hair was tied back loosely in a plait with a black ribbon.

The manor was silent as always. She could see her guards posted along the hall and outside, prowling the grounds, and greeted all of them. It would be a breech of duty for them to talk to her, but the new young ones at least nodded their heads in acknowledgement. The older guards who had known her longer greeted her in return. She entered the kitchen and prepared breakfast for herself. As the eggs began to sizzle one of the oldest remaining members of her guard, Jarred, entered. He was tall and muscled, but still lean. He had light brown hair and a hint of stubble. He was about 45 and he wore battered trousers and a black long-sleeved shirt.

"Morning little Raven," He said as he took a seat on a stool.

"Good morning Jarred, how's the weather today?" Raven asked as she flipped the eggs.

"Fine out, a good day for you to go outside."

"Would you like some egg?" she asked.

"I'd love some," Jarred agreed. Raven pulled out a second plate and served up breakfast.

"Do you know what tomorrow is?" Raven asked shyly after she'd taken a bite.

"Of course, it's your birthday," Jarred replied. Raven smiled hesitantly.

"I was wondering if I could ride tomorrow,"

"That's all? Of course you can, within the grounds of course," Jarred agreed easily. Raven smiled again.

Her name was RavenWhere stories live. Discover now