Chapter 46

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CH 46

Not your girl.

Zhen Zhen visited Yan Fen's guest room again after Tan Cuo and Tan Hai left Yue Gu Zai's home.

'Big brother Yan Fen, you look healthy,' Zhen Zhen said.

Yue Gu Zai saw Zhen Zhen visit Yan Fen's guest room, and he quickly walked into the guest room.

'Boss,' Yan Fen said.

'How are you feeling?' Yue Gu Zai asked.

Yan Fen understood Yue Gu Zai's undertone. Yue Gu Zai wanted him to leave if he was healthy again.

'Good,' Yan Fen said.

'Um,' Yue Gu Zai said. He turned to look at Zhen Zhen. 'Zhen Zhen, go pack our belongings. We're flying home tomorrow.'

Zhen Zhen's eyes lit up. She missed Zhen Wu, but she was worried about Yan Fen.

'Don't worry about me,' Yan Fen said. 'My injury is healed.'

'Alright,' Zhen Zhen said. 'I'll go pack.'

Zhen Zhen left, and Yan Fen wondered why Yue Gu Zai stayed behind.

'Boss, is there something else?' Yan Fen asked.

'I don't like other people coveting what belongs to me,' Yue Gu Zai said. 'Even if they secretly covert in their hearts, I still won't tolerate it.'

Yan Fen's body tensed.

'Boss, I understand,' Yan Fen said.

'It's good you understand,' Yue Gu Zai said. 'Get plenty of rest.'

Yan Fen understood he couldn't compete with a man like Yue Gu Zai. If Zhen Zhen loved him, he would willingly risk his life to be with Zhen Zhen. But he knew by the way Zhen Zhen looked at Yue Gu Zai whenever she was in the same room as Yue Gu Zai that she loved Yue Gu Zai. He didn't have a chance to be with her.

Two days later, Yue Gu Zai and Zhen Zhen flew home from Las Vegas. She was happy to become friends with William Hill and Yan Fen. But she loved being home best.

Mr Zhen heard Zhen Zhen arrived home safely, and he called her on the phone.

'Zhen Zhen, I want you to bring Gu Zai here for dinner,' Mr Zhen said.

'Yes dad,' Zhen Zhen said.

Zhen Zhen hung up, and she looked at Yue Gu Zai confusedly.

'Did your dad invite me to eat dinner?' Yue Gu Zai asked.

'Yes,' Zhen Zhen said.

'OK,' Yue Gu Zai said. 'I'll take you to eat dinner at your parents' home, and we'll bring our son home afterward.'

Later at Mr and Mrs Zhen's front door, Zhen Zhen changed her mind. She was worried Mr Zhen would fight with Yue Gu Zai again.

'Gu Zai, let's eat dinner at my parents' house another day,' Zhen Zhen said.

'Zhen Zhen, it's alright,' Yue Gu Zai. 'You don't need to protect me from your dad.'

Zhen Wu opened the door. He was wearing a white T-shirt and black pants. He looked like a mini Yue Gu Zai.

Zhen Zhen hugged Zhen Wu and kissed his face. She missed Zhen Wu a lot.

'Zhen Wu, mummy missed you,' Zhen Zhen said.

'Of course you would miss your son,' Zhen Wu said.

Although Zhen Zhen was Zhen Wu's mum, Zhen Wu understood Yue Gu Zai didn't want to share Zhen Zhen even with his son.

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