Chapter 53

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I feel a lurch in my stomach. It's like I'm falling. Nausea washes over me in heavy waves and I squeeze my eyes shut, blocking out the four anxious faces - and Mino - watching me.

Then my feet seem to hit something hard.

I stagger forwards.

And, suddenly, everything feels very still.

The sound of dripping from the Cupids Matchmaking Service dungeons is gone. I can feel the sun hitting my face, even though I know that it's all in my head – in reality I'm sat in a dank cell under the gaze of Cupid and the others.

My heart is pounding against my ribcage.

For a moment I don't want to open my eyes. Wherever I am – it's Valentine's worst nightmare.

What could possibly scare someone so powerful?

Then I do.

"Hello, Lila," his voice comes from behind, making me flinch. "It's a little disorientating, isn't it?"

I spin around.

Whatever I was expecting to see, it wasn't this.

The floor is made of white marble. There are no walls, and a soft breeze twists around the tall stone pillars, lightly scented with citrus. I can see mountains in the distance – but in front of them at the edge of the space, is an eerily familiar stone statue – though she looks slightly different to how I remember her. My heart jolts.

"One of Aphrodite's temples," says Valentine. I turn my gaze to him. He's not looking at me; he's stretched back on a stone alter atop five marble steps. His hands are folded behind his head, and he's staring up at the high roof. As I watch him he slowly sits up then turns to me – swinging his booted feet down over the edge of the table. His shocking blue eyes lock on mine, and my pulse quickens. A grin spreads onto his face. "Or Venus, as you have come to know her."

I frown – momentarily distracted from the reason I'm here; to find out where the hearts are so that we can save Cal. I shade my eyes with my hand as I look at him, blocking out the glare of the sun.

"I though the Sim was supposed to put you into your worst nightmare," I say.

He chuckles.

"It's kind of pleasant here, isn't it?" He shrugs. "But it brings back bad memories."

He jumps down off the alter, then walks down the stairs toward me. I automatically take a small step back, but he doesn't stop when he reaches me – merely walks past me to the edge of the temple.

"Come," he says.

"I thought you had something to discuss with me," I say – folding my arms across my chest.

He turns, continuing to walk backwards toward the exit. His smile broadens, causing little dimples on his cheeks.

"I do," he says.

Valentine's Day : CUPID'S MATCH BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now