Chapter 5: The Chosen Mate

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I stared at the heavy cherry wood door that lead into the Alphas Office. No doubt everyone waiting for me to make an entrance, as I was the woman of the hour. I groaned wishing I could disappear and just run away, but I knew becoming a rogue was not an option. I would be sought out for, one for being an unmated female and two for being of high status not to mention the tattoo emblem I wore for being a warrior. My options were slim to none. She cursed herself. She didn't regret her decision, she couldn't find it in herself to feel guilty for doing so. It was logical for to have attacked. All these formalities were unnecessary if it had been the other way around they wouldn't even be having a damn meeting.

I growled frustrated that this was evening happening and of-course my wolf was no where to been heard. I gripped the door handle, it wasn't too late. I could turn back and bolt for it. No one would stop me, I could hide live in cottage and just live off of rabbit food. No one would be able to find me, I could fend for myself.

Take it from the woman that lives in a cottage and lives off of rabbit food it's not as appetizing as you'd think.

Daphne was startled by the intrusion thoughts that projected themselves in her mind. She could almost feel the elderly woman's stare burn a hole through the door just waiting for her to open the door.

Welp there goes my fairytale cottage dream. She huffed and open the door. Her gaze immediately finding the elderly woman who stood by the grand window behind the Alpha's desk. As soon as the door creaked open she met her gaze and gave her an encouraging smile. She gave the elderly woman a tight smile. She wasn't thrilled to be in the stuffy room, in fact if she could just slam the door shut behind her and make a run for it to the hill she would.

She avoid the Alphas office like the plague if she could. It almost felt like every time she was in this room bad news always seem to follow her. She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat pushing back the thoughts she kept under lock and key. Rolling her shoulders back and straightening out her back she walked into the room. Not pay anything attention to the holes that were being drilled into her head by the other members in the room. She let the door slam behind her and made her way in front Alpha Matthew. Might as well get it out of the damn way, she thought.

Alpha Matthew didn't speak, but he watched Daphne enter into the room. Her head held high and her emotions in check. She would have made an excellent Luna for this pack. He almost cursed the decisions that got him here today, but there was no time to think of the past. The future is were it held all the answers and solutions to his problems. He motion her to take a seat in front of his desk. Not speaking a word, he had no idea how he was going to go about this. Nothing he said sounded right, nothing he could do could make it right anymore. He placed his elbows on top of his desk leaning forward to rubbed his temples.

Can't you do something? Alpha Matthew mind linked the Oracle. She remained rooted behind him looking out into the windows overseeing the forest. She scoffed in his mind.

What would you like me to do Alpha? Give amnesia to an entire pack that witness the events go down?

He knew it was a rhetorical answer to his desperate question.

But is it possible?

He didn't need to turn around to see the Oracles head has snapped in his direction. He could feel her eyes in the back of his head as his hair stood up. Her demeanor changing from the cool collected witch to the dark aura she carried, but kept hidden.

You made your bed and theirs now you must lay in it and fix it the old fashion way. I will not be punished for your consequences Alpha. Don't ask me again.

I growled in my head, Don't forget who you work for witch. I spat in my head. She didn't bother to reply, just continued to bore her stare deeper into my head. Daphne coughed and clapped her hands.

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