How do we fix this? Oh wait, Red's Got It Covered

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+Red Army Base+

The Red and Blue soldiers have been on the edge since the beginning of the week.

The Red Leader kept himself busy and quiet most of the time. He would sometimes act out randomly which surprised them from time to time a lot. Tord is a man who held himself high and knew how to keep an act around other. Now he just seemed to be taking his anger out little by little.

On the other hand, Blue Leader, to his soldiers, remained very quiet and busied himself with work. He only went to Tord's office to give him his schedule for the day or when he had to attend the meeting with some government, department heads, or generals of his army. Although, worried the soldiers the most was Tom's constant babying on them. He was always on point when informed someone from their group got hurt or had a problem.

It got even worse when the Blue and Red Leaders were in the same room. The atmosphere became thick and barely breathable because of the tension between the two.

They just had to do something to fix this mess.


"Come on Zack, tell us what happened." Neva pleads with her fellow soldier. "You were the only one with Red and Blue before they started acting weird."

"I have to agree with Zack, maybe we can all help Blue get rid of that gloomy atmosphere around him." Reggie agrees.

In the Blue section, all the soldier were having a meeting about Tom. They wanted to clear the air that's been too suffocating to breathe in. Plus put a cap on the limit to Tom's mothering.

Zack groans, "I don't know what understand happened. All I know is that Tom came into the cell and he and Red exchanged greetings which were nicknames I guess." He taps the side of his head unsure of their formalities. "They talked and I think Red provoked Blue into attacking him. I was standing there by the prisoner while they were fighting and throwing punches at each other. They started calling each other stuff and then Red was talking about something about old times while calling Blue old friend."

He takes a sip of his water bottle to help him continue his explanation. "Finally Blue said and I quote, 'I-Am-Not-Your-Friend!'. Blue twisted his arm behind his back and Red became quiet as a mouse. After that Red's two soldiers came in and separated them. One of them told me to move the prisoner to a different cell in the hallway while target took care of them."

"So what I'm getting here is that they had a history together?" James says questionable.

Sadie rolled her eyes. "But seem to hate each other with a passion. I don't even see why they would have a history together." Some of her fellow cooks nod to her argument.

"They may not have gotten along, but there may have possibly of a common thing relating to their past," Wen adds to the conversation.

Reggie looks back at Zack. "Got anything on that?"

Zack hums as he tries to recall more of the fight. He snaps his finger when he remembers what Blue said. "Yeah, I remember Blue saying something about Green, Purple, and some guy named Jon and his friends who were apparently his neighbors."

Olivia pipes in quickly, having figured it out, "That's it! Their common thing is friends. Red must have been friends with Green and Purple, that why he knows Blue."

Oliver grins as an idea forms in his mind. "I think we can find a bit more if we sneak into Blue's room."

"We'd be invading Blue's privacy Oliver!" His sister smacks him up side the head.

He shakes his head, "Wait, listen for a minute. I know Blue's got this journal he keeps hidden up in his office. I used to see him write in it all the time back at the Rebellion base when I would come give the department reports for Miss Neva. I pretty sure he still has it." He explains to the group.

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