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Sarah waltzed across the lobby, her hair covering the bump on her forehead, and grinned at the male attendant behind the front desk. From experience, she knew her smile could disrupt a man's train of thought, disarm his ability to reason and thus disable his capacity to react. This smile produced the usual results as Jake and she approached the check-in counter. As they coasted past the man with ease, Jake mentioned to the attendant that they'd been to a costume party. The wiry man with slicked back hair rolled his eyes with disdain. Fortunately, they'd already checked in the night before, so they didn't have to bother with getting a room key.

Sarah yielded to Jake's suggestion that they stash their handguns in the car's trunk. They would look conspicuous enough, decked out in black uniforms. Maybe Jake's untimely comment about the costume party was a good move? A cover story.

It was an hour past midnight. Fatigue had already set in, but the hotel's bright lighting revived Sarah the second she stepped through the front door. The grandeur glimmered in the corner of her eye—tile flooring laid out in opulent patterns, rows of stylish lamps, thick columns, and chandeliers surrounded by recessed lights. There may have been an establishment more lavish somewhere in the world, but this place owed no apologies regarding the five-star standard.

They strolled the rest of the way to the elevator, boarded, and without further incident, arrived on the fourth floor.

Sarah inserted the access card into the slot at room number 432 and they entered the suite where Tony waited. He had the right mindset, kicked back on the sofa. The plush furnishings made it easy to relax, which was what Sarah needed after the death defying escape from Zanderthal's compound. When the guards had cornered them, she thought they would capture them, and when the chauffeur fired at her from twenty feet away, she thought she would die. Add smashing the limo into the tree, and they'd had enough for one night.

"Where have you guys been?" Tony said. "It's after one o'clock. I've been here for two hours."

"I think you know where we've been." Jake lowered his chin and glared at his friend. "Where'd you get the drink?"

"Room service." He tipped the Heineken bottle toward Jake. "There's another one in the fridge."

Jake hesitated like he was considering it, but clammed up. Sarah watched over his shoulder, waiting. With her father's alcohol consumption and Jake's lapse in judgment at the company anniversary party, she assumed he didn't want to press his luck in front of her.

"I'll pass this time." Jake pointed to his temple. "I need a clear head."

"I'm not getting wasted, bro. It's just one... or two." Tony smiled.

"I'll pass, regardless. So, how did your escapade turn out?"

Sarah stepped between them. "First thing, we need to contact Cat and my dad."

Jake seemed to think that was a good idea. He crossed the room and sat on the sofa with Tony. She noticed the resignation on his face which said, let's get this over with. Sarah set her laptop on the glass coffee table in front of the two men. Then she walked around and squeezed between them. Neither man objected to the closeness of their seating arrangement, but Jake shot Tony a hard eye when it appeared he didn't mind sitting hip to hip with his ex.

Jealousy, maybe? Sarah thought. Interesting.

She ignored the boyish antics and turned her attention to the computer as the faces of Hardy and Cat O'Donnell appeared side by side on a split screen. "I guess we can start by telling you what we uncovered after tailing Zanderthal's limo. Then Tony can share what happened on his outing."

Ocean Blue (Sea Lab Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें