Chapter 22

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Okay, this one is kinda short and possibly a bit...lacking but there's more to come and whoa. It wont' be lacking. I just get in these writing groove where I can't stop and then I realize I've written like, 15000 words and you can't put all that into one chapter. Thus, I have to find a place to break it up and this was the only place I could really think of.

Anyway, enjoy.

Chapter 22

Corinna’s POV

I crushed the piece of paper in my shaking fist, wanting to hit something, really hit something for the first time in a long time.

I’d gotten another A.

The first one could’ve been a fluke. The first one could’ve just been an alignment of the fates dolling out a sweet helping of good fortune to a girl who had no future.

But the second A...

It meant that I wasn’t just lucky, I was improving and if I was improving that meant that I could do this.

I could fucking do this.

I could go to school, get good grades, get into college, be whatever I wanted to be. The world was my oyster.

Except the world wasn’t my oyster. In fact, this world, the world where I got As on tests, was crumbling down around me, falling to pieces at my feet.

If it weren’t for Joey...

Forget it.

With a sigh, I leaned my head against my locker, my hand clutching the now wrinkled paper falling limply at my side as I tried to push the dreams out of my mind. Dreams were for people who didn’t have drunk and drug addicted mothers sitting in a jail cell somewhere. Dreams were for people whose father didn’t hate them.

Dreams were for people who would never get involved with someone like Joey.

So yeah, no dreams for me.

I straightened when I felt the air next to me shift and heard the sound of a body pressing against the locker next to mine.

It was Rachel, standing with her arms crossed and her eyes directed straight ahead of her.

I grabbed my bag and closed my locker, intent on leaving as if she’d never appeared.

“Flynn and I had a today,” Rachel said.

Keep walking, I told myself but frowned when I glanced down at my feet to see that they were glued in place. “Good for you,” I said easily, tossing my hair over my shoulder and giving her a humourless grin. “Want a gold star?”

Her eyes flashed and I could see the barely restrained anger in her expression as she took a step towards me and gripped my wrist hard.

“No. I want you to leave so things can go back to the way they used to be, so Flynn and I can get together and so he can stop worrying about you all the time.”

I let out a sigh and cocked my hip, planting my free hand there. “I’m leaving at the end of the school year.”

“Flynn doesn’t seem to think you’re leaving at all.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, turning to face her fully as a few stragglers headed towards the front door of the school, done for the day.

She shrugged, avoiding my gaze. “He just mentioned that you might be staying even after you graduate.”

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