Chapter 24 - Solitude

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After our meeting with Ryder ended, I was ready to shut down for the night. I just didn't understand why everyone seemed to think my abilities were so important and apparently the answer to everyone's problems. It was fucking frustrating – especially since I barely knew how to use them.

Ryder was going to be staying in the guest wing for at least a couple of nights so that he could continue with his investigation and hold the meeting between Elijah, Zane, Dean, and myself. He was also concerned about my parents' well-being, and wanted to be able to keep up with their progress.

After we exited the dining hall, I made a mad dash for the staircase. I was desperate for the peace and solitude that mine and Elijah's wing provided.

Before I got too far, Elijah reached out and grabbed my arm, yanking me backwards towards his chest.

"Would you let go?" I growled. I loved my mate, but I wasn't in the mood for pep talks tonight.

Shocking the hell out of me, Elijah narrowed his eyes and growled back, "No."

My wolf's ears perked up within my head. Our Alpha mate rarely asserted himself to us like this.

"You've been through a lot the past few days. The last thing you need is to hole yourself up in a room and snap at anyone who comes near," Elijah told me, his voice still stern.

As sexy as it was for him to assert his dominance and authority like this, I wasn't convinced.

"Just let me be, Elijah, please!" I pleaded with him.

"No. Quite frankly, I'd like to spend some time with my mate. I want to know that you're okay. I want to make you feel better," he told me. His words revealed the mate I'd come to know well, despite his hard tone.

I sighed and shook my head, bringing my free hand up to smack myself in the forehead. I appreciated his efforts, but did he not understand that some people valued alone time?

"I know you're worried. I just need some time to think. I need some peace and quiet. Why is that so hard to understand?" I challenged.

"It's completely understandable, my love," Elijah replied, pulling me even closer to his hard chest and leaning down to kiss me softly on the lips.

"But it's not what you truly need."

I felt my cheeks heat up at Elijah's words, knowing exactly what he was getting at. It seemed like it'd been forever since we'd had a chance to be intimate, and although I'd like nothing more than to rip the man's clothes off and ravish just wasn't an appropriate time.

I sighed and smirked up at him. It was a genuine little smile, but it felt as though I had to use every ounce of energy I had left to make it happen.

"You know I'd love to," I murmured near his ear. "But...not tonight. I just can't tonight. I need to sleep. I need to think."

Elijah forced a grin and nodded, "Well if that's how you want things to be for the night, that's fine, but you're going to have to do all of that thinking and sleeping with me by your side."

Seeing his mate so worried and distraught obviously had his wolf on edge. It was natural instinct for a male wolf to protect and comfort his mate at all times, after all. I understood, but it was frustrating at times, especially for someone like me, who'd spent the majority of their life alone and independent.

Before I could protest any further, my mate escorted me back upstairs to our quarters for the night.


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