Chapter 22

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Nakimasu POV

"Why are we on my roof?" Kyoki asked me.

"I figured it'd be a nice place to talk," I answered as I laid back. Kyoki raised an eyebrow at him, he expected me to explain. "You're gonna be fighting Takumi in about week and a half," I started.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Kyoki asked.

"I was getting to that. Anyways, what I was gonna say is, you need to be careful. Takumi is like me, except he turns into a fox." Kyoki just stared at me. "Hebi has done a lot of experiments, though you know that. Takumi and I were in the same group, when we were kids. He was basically my little brother, but now . . . he hates me."

"Sorry," was all Kyoki said. I just stared up at the stars.

I sighed before I continued, "Please, just don't hurt Takumi. He's a good kid, but he's just being mislead."

"Alright, I'll try. There's still more on your mind what is it?" Kyoki asked, he was leaning over me. As much as he tried to hide it, it was obvious he was worried. I smiled slightly, Kyoki narrowed his eyes at me, "Why are you smiling?"

My smile faltered, I remembered the things I had to tell Kyoki. I sighed and Kyoki moved out of the way as I sat up. I started to speak, "Still wanna know what happened during your's and Sakura's match?" Kyoki examined me before nodding. So I told him everything.

"Wait, so I have like some split personality that we know practically nothing about?" Kyoki said.

"That's basically how it seems, Elise calls him Kono."

"Well, fuck my life. How do I keep 'Kono' under control if we don't even know what triggers him?" Kyoki said.

"That's the problem. The only thing we know is that mentioning Shoki seems to cause him to shut down. According to Elise though, Kono has only really taken control twice. If it had happened more Elise or I would've known," I said. Kyoki still seemed to be trying to rack his brain around it. 

"How did this happen?" Kyoki mumbled.

"Well, it could be a mental disorder that's hereditary or Elise's theory could be correct," I answered.

"Fuck my life."

"That your new catchphrase?"

"Shut up you damn snake-human-bastard-thing," Kyoki muttered.

A part of me found that funny, but the current situation kept me from smiling about it. "Is there something else you want to tell me or is that it?"

"Well-" I honestly wasn't sure I should continue. The Kono thing was a lot and if I tell him the last thing it might be too much.

"Whatever it is, tell me, I can handle it," Kyoki said. I hope you're right about that.

"After, the first stage of the chunin exams Hebi was in the kitchen that night. She was looking at your test," I said.

Kyoki's eyes narrowed at me, "You knew my mother was here and you didn't warn me? If you had told me Sasuke wouldn't have the curse mark and I wouldn't have to-!"

I was instantly hit with a wave of guilt, keeping my mouth shut condemned Kyoki . . . and the Uchiha. 

"I thought I could trust you, apparently not. Just stay away from me," Kyoki said as he stood up and left.

Elise POV

"Naki, what are you doing here? It's one in the morning," I said with a yawn.

"Kyoki's mad at me," Naki replied.

"He's mad at you? I didn't know that was possible. Honestly, it sounds like some angsty chapter from a gay novel. 'The two lovers had a fight only to return to each others arm the next day.'  Oh, or, 'The betrayal of an ex-lover drove the albino into the arms of another man.' Talk about a cliche for romance novels." Naki started at me like I was crazy.

"Stop reading romance novels."

"No way. So since you're here you need a place to stay till things blow over?" I assumed.

"I'm not sure they will blow over," Naki said as he looked at the ground.

"You're Kyo's best friend, he relies on you. He'll forgive for what ever you did. What did you do?" I asked.

"I didn't tell him Hebi was here and because I didn't warn him-"

"Suke got the curse mark and something happened to Kyo as well, I'm assuming. By that logic he should be mad at me as well. I know when Lady Hebi is around, but I never tell him."

"The deference is that you're not allowed to tell him, Hebi would kill you. I could've told him, but I didn't," Naki replied.

"Why didn't you tell him?"

"I don't know."

Time Skip

"I'm not gonna talk to that bastard," Kyo said as soon as he opened the door.

"You don't know that's what I was gonna talk about!" I retorted.

"Was it?"

". . . Yes," I replied. Kyoki went to close the door and I put my foot in the way. Since I refuse to wear shoes, it really really hurt. Kyoki glared at my foot. "Let me in, Kyoki," I said as seriously as possible. His eyes widened slightly, probably because I called him Kyoki instead of Kyo.

"Fine," he said as he opened the door.

Time Skip (Kyoki POV)

So, the final stage of the chunin exam is tomorrow. Elise tried to reason with me about Nakimasu, but it didn't go how she was wanting. I almost wish it had, it's almost as if part of me misses that damn snake-human-bastard-thing.

Why am I thinking about this? It's almost midnight. I have to be ready to fight in a matter of hours. Dammit, I need to sleep.

I got out of bed and went to the living room. Namida raised her head to look at me as I walked in. I walked over to her and petted her head. She meowed and I smiled. Why couldn't Naki be as nice as Namida? I'm sure if she could, she would've told me. Damn snake-human-bastard-thing.

I heard a rattle and looked over into the kitchen. Nakimasu had a piece of bread in his mouth and the fridge door was open. "What the fuck?"

"I was hungry and broke. Plus, Elise doesn't have food, if she did I wouldn't be here," Naki explained.

"What are you talking about? She has food," I replied.

"Not good food."

"Okay, whatever," I said.

"You're not mad?" Naki asked.

"I'm still kinda annoyed, but as much as I hate it you're still my friend. I just needed time to cool off I guess."

"Still, I'm sorry. I should've told you," Naki said, he actually looked super guilty.

"Yeah you should've, but whatever you can't change the past just cause you want to. Anyways, I'm gonna go to bed, don't clean out the entire fridge," I said as I retreated to my room. In a matter of hours I have to fight the guy who was like Naki's brother at one point, talk about great.

Akuma: Man, I was super iffy about this chapter. Sorry, for more basically filler, but I wanted another chapter for Kyoki to get an explanation about things and also an explanation for that cliffhanger at the end of Chapter 14. Plus, I thought it would be nice for you guys to get to see more of Kyoki and Naki, mainly Naki. And for those of you who read this all the way through, what do you guys ship in this? I want know what you guys are leaning more towards now, cause I know it seemed to be between Naki and Kyoki or Kyoki and Sasuke. So, I just wanna know what you guys prefer. As always, thanks for reading~

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