Chapter Thirty Five

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Gale smiled sweetly at me and when I returned the small gesture things turned. It happened so fast I didn't have time to process the situation and stop him because before I knew it Gale was leaning into me, his lips only centimetres from mine. The world had frozen and we were the only living specimens left, his hand fixed onto my cheek, brushing the skin and causing me to shiver even though there was a warm breeze threatening me to break a sweat. I closed my eyes as a reaction and Gale's tender lips touched mine, they were gentle and the pressure was light. I remained still keeping my body in its position, I wasn't sure if it was because I didn't want to move or because I couldn't, but I didn't want to try. I was barely breathing and could feel his breath dancing on my skin. He pulled away momentarily and I remained where I was, worried that if I moved the moment would end. I could still feel his presence so close but he was getting more distant as his heat disappeared, I opened my eyes and he was sitting back in his position, a foot away.

"I'm sorry" Gale guiltily looked to the floor and his hands were white from him gripping them so hard.

"For what?" I whispered, still in shock from the kiss.

"I needed to do that" That was when I realised something, it was a small difference between Aiden and Gale's kisses. Gale's were tender and sweet with emotion whereas Aiden's kisses could start soft but soon turned passionate and deep with further physical intent. I couldn't believe that it had taken me this long to discover why I was so at battle between the two guys. They were both offering different relationships. My problem was that I wanted a slice of both but I had to admit that Gale was definitely becoming more appealing by the day. As Gale fiddled with some grass between his fingers I couldn't help but wonder if the only thing that was keeping me attached to Aiden was the past?

I also wondered how much longer this would go on for, I wanted to pick one of them. It was doing my head in and probably everyone else around me too. Today was the day, by the end of today I would know who my future was to be with and I would focus on that person. That I promised myself.

I focused my eyes back onto Gale who was now standing a few metres away, staring out towards the coast. "Shall we take a walk down there?" I questioned. The sand was inviting and also a walk was the only thing I could think of to break the growing awkwardness.

"Sure" He quickly looked over to me as I approached him, I think he was just glad that I hadn't run off since the kiss. When I reached him I nudged into him playfully and he lifted up his arm allowing me to fix myself next to him where he relaxed his arm over my shoulder like I was used to, my protective wing. We strolled until we reached the water and the waves were extremely calm, the beach was partially crowded but as the sun gradually set the amount of people filtered out, leaving Gale and I to have some privacy. When I glanced back in the direction of the cafe it was concealed by trees making me realise how I must have assumed that it was a house before.

I sat down onto the sand and Gale sat beside me, he seemed to be preparing himself for the talk I was about to start, but I didn't. I didn't want to explain to Gale that maybe I would have a future with Aiden instead because something didn't sit right and I was struggling to accept that that is what I wanted.

"So, what's the deal?" Gale looked at me and I focused on his eyes which were gentle but serious.

"What?" I mumbled as I dragged my fingers through the sand beneath me.

"I can't keep doing this Peyton, I need to know what's happening" His voice was small and I had never heard his voice so meaningful apart from when he told me he loved me, which I was still in shock from but had pushed aside. He looked away from me and began to wander towards the waves, I found myself following him, when he stopped by the waves I touched his back with my fingertips and he stiffened as if not expecting my touch, he turned to face me and I could feel the cool  water spreading over my feet refreshing my senses.

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