Chapter Twenty Four

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"Sometimes a good cry is just what you need to release all the hurt you have built up inside."

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Chapter 24- I Miss you.

       **Aubree's P.O.V**

"Hello, dada"

I touched his grave. Nolan kept rubbing my back soothingly, he placed some flowers on his grave I turned to look at him thankfully. He smiles and kisses my forehead. "I'll be right there-" He pointed to a large tree. "-if you need me. Ok?" I nodded. He kisses my forehead again and leaves me alone. 

"H-how are y-you dad?" I asked between hiccups. "I-I'm" hiccup "sorry dad." Hiccup "I tried." hiccup "I tried to help you." hiccup. "But I wasn't strong enough." I took a deep breath and let it out to control my hiccups. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you, dad. I'm sorry that I forced you to go that day. I wish you didn't agree,  I wish I didn't have forced you, I wish I was there instead of you. I just wish-" tears blurred my vision, I cried. I cried for everything, my dad, me, everything."I just wish you would be here with me, laughing at my lame jokes."I chuckled reminiscing our time together and his laughs. "I love you, dad, I miss you. I miss you so much that it hurts."I clutched a fistful of my dress above my heart. "It hurts so bad right here. I feel like I'm trapped, I cannot breathe, I'm suffocating." A sob escaped my lips"Everything's changed dad after you left, nothing was same again." 

"I was alone. Nobody was there for me. Nobody tucked me into my bed at night, singing me to sleep. Nobody kissed my head and told me how special I was or how much he loves me.Nobody called me his princess again. Nobody soothed me when I cried waking up from a nightmare." I wiped my tears using the back of my hand. "I don't sing anymore, dad. How can I? I lost my partner. " I cried placing my head on his grave. "You were everything to me. My world. Why did you leave? I miss you, Dada. Please come back. Please." The wind blew through my hairs, it felt like dad was there right beside me looking at me with the same tender eyes telling me everything will be ok, everything gonna be fine. I looked up and closed my eyes feeling my dad presence near me, a smile forms on my lips.

I feel good.

I turn to call Nolan to see him tapping his phone furiously furrowing his eyebrows. A smile forms on my lips. Typical Nolan, always working. "He is Nolan dad, the guy that brought me here. I felt so guilty about everything, I thought you blamed me and hated me for that incident, I couldn't muster up enough courage to come and see you. But he made me realize how selfish I was being for not coming here. He made me see you again dada. If not for him I don't think I could ever have this courage." I sighed. "I don't know what's happening to me, dad. I've never felt this way before. Everyone just vanishes when he is near me, his smile brightens my day. Not seeing him for even a day makes me anxious. It's so confusing dad." I touched the grave again. "I wish you were here. YOu made everything easy for me." I miss him. 

"I never got to tell you this dad. I love you, more than anything in this world. You were and always will be my favorite person and only superhero in my life. I love you." The wind blows again. Dad. A single tear slips from my eyes. 

A coat wraps around my shoulder. I looked up at Nolan "We should go. It's getting dark." I smiled and nodded. Kissing the grave one last time I stood up holding Nolan's hand.

Leaving the cemetery I felt so satisfied like a huge burden is off my shoulder or I could finally breathe. I wasn't suffocating anymore.

 I feel good. 

I feel free.

I tug on Nolan's hand stopping him. He stops, looking at me with concern."What's wrong?" I wrap my hands around his waist putting my head on his chest. "Thank you" He wraps his hands around me kissing me above my head. "Anything for my princess."

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