Chapter Fourteen - Human

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John managed to convince everyone that it would be socially acceptable to wear actual clothes as opposed to pyjamas, though Sherlock protested, telling John that pyjamas were perfectly acceptable because he was Sherlock Holmes and he wore whatever he wanted. However, John put his foot down and won the argument, mostly because Rosie had tugged Sherlock's coat off its hook and rolled herself into it, effectively cutting off anything Sherlock was about to say because he was distracted by her cuteness. Harry and Mrs Hudson took over the kitchen entirely, not allowing John or Sherlock entry while they created a Christmas feast that would have made the royal family proud. Only an hour or so before the feast was to be laid on the table, guests began arriving. Greg came first, several wine bottles tucked under his arm and a bottle of whiskey in a paper bag. He happily installed himself by the fire, tucking his hands into his jacket pockets while John took the wine and whisky, placing them on the mantelpiece. Then he told Greg about how Harry was straightening out (he had to laugh internally at how he'd phrased that one) and Greg looked very pleased.

"How's the wife, Greg dear?" Mrs Hudson was taking a quick break from the kitchen for a nip of wine and a breath of air that wasn't steamy and smelling of food.

"Oh, it's..." Greg paused, jaw working, the easy smile he generally wore sliding off his face. "We've split up permanently."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Mrs Hudson reached out and embraced Greg around the middle (she was rather short compared to him) and he managed to hug her back while making sure his wine didn't spill.

"Ah, it's okay. It was never very stable anyway," Greg sounded fairly blasé but John, who noticed emotion rather like Sherlock noticed tiny details which lead to a murder conviction, knew it pained Greg more than he liked to let on. Mrs Hudson made a sympathetic sound before bustling back into the kitchen. Meanwhile, Sherlock, Rosie and Redbeard were capering about, Rosie lugging toy Smaug and chasing Redbeard who was chasing Sherlock who was wearing his coat like dragon wings and soaring around the sitting room.

"Are you okay?" John asked Greg, turning his attention away from the childish antics.

"Yeah," Greg said at once. Then he thought about it. "Well, you know, I'm a bit gutted but that's how life goes." He paused again. "Okay, I'm very gutted."

"I get it," John said, patting Greg's shoulder comfortingly.

"It's nice to be here though," Greg smiled over at Sherlock, Rosie and Redbeard.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door and Molly burst in in an explosion of tinsel and smiles. She was bearing a rather large bag full of nibbles such as chocolates, crisps, sweets of various sorts and that was only what John could see at the top; the bag was bulging and appeared dangerously close to splitting and spilling the contents.

"Hello!" she said, getting a better grip on her bag.

"Hello," John said, rushing forwards to take the bag before she dropped it. He placed it by the doors to the kitchen and then gave Molly a quick hug. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas," Molly smiled. "Thanks for having me."

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