Chapter 9

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The one and only... Crystal.

She was now starting to show. Her stomach had expanded mainly in the torso area. I just sigh and look around the airport. Looking for nothing in particular.

River quickly noticed that I was irritated. But I mouthed to him 'You can only ask questions'

He nods saying 'thanks' I knew he had some questions and I didn't want to be in the middle of that.

++Rivers P.O.V.++

"Crystal what the hell do you want?" I practically yell. People were obviously starting to stare but I don't give a fuck.

I could feel Ems staring at me with her big hazel eyes. I knew she hated that Crystal claimed that I was the father to her child. I mean, you know a woman's irked when they don't agree to have sex with you. I mean, I went a night without having sex with Ems. It hurt my feelings...

"All I want is for my child's father to be present in this child's life." She says with her plastic voice. The only damn reason I went to Crystal was because I was hurting. I was unhappy. But now I am.

"Look Crystal," I rub my temples as I look down at the ground. "Why don't you get a DNA test for this child? I mean I know you bang a man every night! That kid probably has STD's!" Now I'm yelling. I'm really yelling. Who would risk having there child having STD's. I mean that's cruelty!

"But I just have a good feeling you're the father. I just know it!" Now she was jumping in joy thinking that I was the father of this child. But I'm damn not.

I just shake my head and turn around to face Ems, who had looked at us practically bug eyed. I loved her in moments like these. Still making me laugh when I was unhappy.

"Bye." I say and quickly walk back to Ems. She looked vibrant with her pregnant look. I guess I hadn't noticed that she was looking more vibrant than usual. And she was really wanting to eat, I can't even believe it... peanut butter and cheese. It tastes as gross as it sounds. She forced me one day to eat it. I practically barfed. But I did t for her.

++Emmer's P.O.V.++

Now he was quickly walking back to me once he said bye to Crystal. He was smiling the entire way down not moving his eyes from mine.

I smile back at him as he quickly plants a kiss on my forehead.

Is t weird that we don't notice the cameras flashing anymore? Cuz, they were flashing.

River and I were walking down the halls of the airport. I was really excited to see the new penthouse! But as we were walking I noticed both River and I on the cover of all of the magazines. It was our kiss on the elevator.
Wow, they just love to get a glimpse of our life don't they?

"River!" I say as I tug his hand back to look at the magazine. We were holding hands as we were walking earlier.

Once he looks at the magazines he scoffs and tightens his grip on my wrist and continues to walk. Forceful much?!

"Forceful much?!" I say as he glares at me and then bites his lip as he turns away. I knew what that meant. He wanted to kiss me. I mean, I'm pretty sure that's what he means. Whenever he looked over his shoulder and bit his lip he would usually quickly kiss me, or a lingering kiss. It's usually one or the other. And now that I think about it he did that a few times during the honeymoon and kissed me right after.

Never noticed it.

Suddenly River takes me behind a wall. He hated the cameras even more than I did. And let me tell you. I HATED the cameras. Finally we notice all of the camera people lose us. He smiles at me.

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