I'll Show That Alpha~~Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

I woke up to the strange feeling of someone watching me, slowly I cracked open my eyes and found Kara awkwardly standing by my bed. It looked like she didn't quite know how to react.

"Morning Kara?" I said with a slightly amused voice. "Knox wants to talk to you." Kara brushed off her awkward posture as she spoke.

I rolled my eyes, "When?". "Probably now." She said while walking back over to her bed. Kara didn't like to talk much I noticed, she loved to keep to herself. I looked at the clock and took notice of it being 7. Two hours before I usually wake. Oh well I guess I can take care of business then get to working out.

I got out of bed and threw on a light pair of jean shorts and a tank top that was cut off by the belly button. I liked the shirt cause it was one of the more modest belly shirts that i'd seen. I ran a comb through my long hair and went to leave the room, then I remembered something. "Hey Kara, where is Knox?"

"I think he's in the kitchen." She said from her covers. I thanked her then slowly made my way to the kitchen. I brushed my teeth slowly then made a quick stop in Archers' room.

I creaked open his door and found him deep asleep in the room he shared with himself. A wave of annoyance hit me again remembering how Knox wouldn't let us share a room. I breathed deeply as I walked toward Archers bed.

Just before I got to it I did a quick sprint and jumped on the bed. "Wake up wake up wake up!" I yelled as his face poked out of the covers. His eyes were all sleepy and cute as he looked at me with confusion.

"Well arent you energetic?" He said with a small smile. "I just was woken up early today and thought i'd come say hello." I said snuggling my body next to his. He wrapped his arms around me and we quickly got comfortable.

"What woke you up?" Archer spoke sleepily after a moment of just listening to our breathing.

"Kara did, I guess Knox wants to talk to me." I moved my hand to Archers arm and traced shapes on his bicep.

"Hmm Knox wants to talk to you. How strange." His voice held thick sarcasm which made me chuckle. "Yes very strange." I agreed as I looked into Archers black eyes. He gave me a sly smile and quickly moved so he was hovering over me with both his arms caging me close to him.

"Lets forget about him for now." He said before his lips found mine. I've missed this, just me and Archer. I felt like me and him had no time together since we've gotten here. I moved so I was on top of him then laced my fingers through his soft hair. Our kisses were rougher now and we started breathing deeper.

"Hazel!" Knox's voice echoed through the protectors portion of the house. It sounded like he was close.

I pulled away from Archer, giving him three squeezes with my hand that was holding his. Kissed him once more then walked out the door.

Knox was right outside Archers door and he did not look happy. His dark hair was in his eyes and his dark blue eyes looked at me intensely.

"Well howdy." I tried to lighten the mood

"Where have you been? I've been waiting for you for like an hour now!" His voice was deep and growled. He grabbed my wrist and started pulling me through the halls toward the kitchen.

"I was getting ready then I had to ask Archer something," I whipped my wrist away from his hand, "And I can follow you!" Archer wasn't fazed by my move and just stormed through the house.

We eventually made it to the etravagent kitchen and Knox motioned for me to sit down as he rummaged through the fridge.

I couldn't help myself from looking at Knox's form. He had a very strong build and from his dark green cargo shorts I could tell he had a nice butt. I rolled my eyes at myself. Knox was dumb, I was being dumb.

"So what do you want again?" I finally questioned

His voice sounded right as he closed the fridge with a handful of breakfast items, "Well I need to talk to you about what exactly I need you and your protectors to do and I needed breakfast so I thought I'd make breakfast."

I sat quiet as I watched him put a carton of eggs, sliced ham, cheese, peppers, and hash browns on the marble counter. He cracked eggs into a bowl and started whisking them. I tried not to watch the muscles in his arms as he held the whisk. It was kinda difficult.

"So I need each of you, two at a time, to join up with one of my protectors and walk the border of our land. I want you to report any odd things that may happen along with the smallest change in the nature. If a tree has fallen, I want to know about it. That way if they are spying or trying to make a quieter route to the pack house then we know. And then overall I just need you and the others to stay close by just in case they do attack."

He looked up from mixing the eggs and made eye contact with me.

"Do you understand?" He asked while he started chopping the ham, cheese, and peppers into little pieces.

"Yes. How often do you want us to do the border check?"

"Twice a day, once in the morning at 8:30 and once at night at 8:30. All three protectors are to meet in front of the pack house, beginning at 8:30. You may decide which routine of protectors you want."

"Thanks," I didn't really know what else to say.

"Well now we're done with the business talk, how much cheese do you want on your omelet?" Knox asked lightly, his deep blue eyes looking at me.

I was surprised by the invite to join him for breakfast, "Only a little."

He nodded his head and went back to cooking. I absorbed myself trying to decide which protectors i'd match together.


Thanks everyone, i'll get going on the next chapter!

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