Chapter 12 - Edited Once

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(Edited Once)

I gagged at his touch. He put his hand on my free shoulder, and I tensed. I looked at Nancy's eyes pleading for any kind of help she could provide.

What are you thinking, Stella?  She'll be in danger if she gets involved.

"Who are you?" Nancy asked in an intimidating calm tone.

He looked at her frowning, then he faked a smile like he used to do. "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm Robin, her brother's best friend. Nice to meet you, lovely lady," he tried to grab her hand to kiss her knuckles, but she removed it from his. Disgusting shit.

He's acting like a gentleman now?

"Leave us alone." She glared at him, not fazed by his huge build.

Maybe she understood that him being Raymond's best friend was not good for me, or anyone else. He was a malignant, selfish, two-faced jerk. I used to get disgusted whenever Raymond mentioned him. He still disgusts me to the bones.

"Why should I? She knows me very well, isn't that right, Stella? And Raymond has been searching for you, he was worried sick." He gazed at me with a blank face.

Worried sick? That's a new one. He's sick alright.

I felt fear rise inside of my tiny bruised body when Robin grabbed my wrist by force, yanking me forward. I do know him too well. He was a monster, like my so-called brother. He used to co-abuse me whenever he visited Raymond. One time, Raymond was at work when Robin decided to pay me a visit. I was all alone. Alone with him, in my room, screaming for help. Praying for the hits to stop. I kept shouting with the tiny little hope that someone would hear me and give me the helping hand that I sought for a long time back then... Just for a split second, I hoped for Raymond to come and help me, but the world was not fair, my life was not fair.

Raymond came indeed, to my room, saw his best friend abuse and beat the crap out of me, yet... He said nothing. He just kept watching him playing his sadistic game. Absolute torture. They were both sadistic psychopaths.

"Not a chance she's going with you, now get the hell out of here," Skye's voice interrupted my train of bitter thoughts, and I took a deep breath. I guessed she took the hint that I was unreasonably terrified of him.

Anyone could notice when my pale and panicked expression. "I want to go back," I whispered to Nancy, and she nodded with a firm look on her beautiful face.

"If you don't want to leave, then we will," Nancy exclaimed, then grabbed my hands, and we headed to the entrance after paying for the food that was barely half eaten.

It will go to waste because of Robin.

"Oh no, she's coming with me." Robin approached me, aiming for my elbow, but Skye blocked him by shoving his body aside. She was strong. Way too strong. When did that happen?

"Don't touch her ever again." She raised her voice, catching some customers' attention along with the kind waiter. They looked worried.

"Move, you bitch." As Robin wanted to slap Skye, a man's hand stopped him by grabbing his hand at the last moment. I looked at him, then realized that I saw him in Julian's house. I think his name was Cody, Julian's best friend. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. He was good-looking, but not as much as Julian. What the hell I'm thinking about at such a time? 

"Don't you dare touch what's mine," Cody yelled at him, then twisted his arm, and finally, he fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Cody is Skye's boyfriend? 

She never told me she had one. But then again, I never told her I was abused. Cody turned his gaze to Skye, and he looked mad and anxious. "Are you okay, love?" He hugged her protectively.

They look nice together. They suit each other.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I could have handled him alone, you know?" Skye commented with a grin.

Cody raised his eyebrows, then laughed. "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night... in my arms." He winked at her, and she turned red like a tomato.

"Awe," I cooed uncontrollably, and that made the couple look at me.

"Oh, Lun- Stella, are you okay?" Cody asked me as he stepped closer to me. I nodded with a smile. I guess I was famous after that break-in.

"I believe we haven't officially met yet. I'm Cody, Julian's best friend and Skye's ma- boyfriend." He held his hand for me to shake. As I was about to do that, I saw Robin from the corner of my eye, holding a chair and aiming it at me. I shielded my head with my fragile arms, embracing for the impact, but nothing came.

I just heard glass shattering and chairs breaking. I opened my eyes to be greeted by a large figure standing in front of me, just like before. Julian. I looked at the floor and saw Robin lying unconscious with a bloodied face and broken arms.

"You'll think twice before hurting my mate. She is mine!" he said, and I arched my eyebrows in confusion.

Mate? As a friend? And I am his? What was going on?

He turned to look at me, checking for any injury. When he saw none, he let out a soft breath. "Thank God." He put his head on my shoulder, inhaling my scent, or what I assumed he did.

I sighed in contentment. "Don't worry, I'm okay," I whispered.

He raised his head and looked at me with his dazzling honey eyes. "I got scared for a minute when I saw that he was about to hit you with the damn chair," he said, and I put my hand in his. 

What's this pull? Is it normal to feel like that? For a stranger that I met yesterday? I'm feeling things I can't quite describe. Though they are good feelings.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as we exited the restaurant and entered the car that was filled with bags. Cody took Robin, who was still unconscious, somewhere, and when I asked, Julian said not to worry about him anymore.

"I'm here because Mom called me, saying that your brother's friend was here, so here I am," he explained.

"Rather too fast, how did you make it in time?" I asked, feeling more comfortable with him by the moment.

It's like I've known him for years. Like we were meant to be.

What I'm talking about?  I'm probably losing it.

I rode with him, and Nancy took Skye home after saying goodbye. He looked at me for a second, then he turned his gaze to the road. "I was near," he reasoned, and I nodded, exhausted from today's events. Can't just one day be normal for me? Is that too much to ask for?

As I was thinking of my messed up life, I felt my eyelids become heavy, and it was hard keeping them open. So darkness took over, and I was in nightmare land. My past horrible life with Raymond...


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