Part 11

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I look at my loving family as Ben holds his son in his arms. "You're an amazing mate. To think not even two years ago you were in the one pack and I in another. I hope if anything Liam or Bethany are mated to one of the children born to the European King and Queen." Ben sighs. "I'm sure everything will work out the way it should." I smile as Bethany begins squirming closer to my chest. 

As we sit in a comfortable silence I slowly place Bethany in her crib before cuddling up to Ben and falling asleep. "I love you Athena, no matter what happens." I hear Ben whisper before darkness finally takes over.


It's been two months since the twins were born meaning the King and Queen of Europe will be arriving tonight which means we have a ball. "Athena! You look gorgeous in that dress!" Ben's youngest sister gasps. "Well I'd hope so. I'm sending my two month old daughter with the European King and Queen to be taught to be a Queen one day for their son." I sigh. "Athena, it'll be okay. They will send her home for a month every year on her birthday until she is eighteen, then we will travel to their palace for her birthday and wedding." Ben states wrapping his arms around my waist. 

I look at the small baby resting in my arms before looking out the window to see the Queen and King arrive. "I'll get Liam and meet you at the door." Ben sighs. 

As we greet the King and Queen they look at my daughter. "Athena you did an amazing job running as Queen so far. I hope we can agree on a way for you to be able to see your daughte more often." The Queen whispers in my ear. "Ben, if it's okay with you Queen Zara and I are going to go sit on the balcony. Would you like us to take Liam as well?" I ask with a soft smile. "It's okay, I can hold on to Liam, he's asleep I'd rather not wake him considering what happened last time." Ben chuckles recalling Liam screaming the rest of the night. 

As I walk with Zara to the Balcony I look down at my daughter's green eyes. "She is beautiful, Athena. I don' want to take your daughter away just yet, you want and need to bond with her. I'm going to try talking to Jase about letting her stay home with you and Benjamin until she is fifteen. It will give you time to bond with her and it will give me three years to train her to be queen and I can always come back with Preston so they can bond as well." Zara states. 

I look to see her expression, "You would do that for us?" I ask in disbelief. "I don't want my future daughter-in-law hating me. Bethany and Preston will be mated and it will be the best thing for our countries. I will speak with Jase tonight. For now just bond with your daughter." she adds with a soft smile. 

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