My Monster

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As I stormed into Dale's room, angered that my mom wanted me back when she could've just convinced my father to not ban me right then and there, I flung myself onto his bed.

I sunk my face deep into his sheets and I let the smell of him cascade me.

My mate pull grew stronger every time I got a whiff of his attractive musky scent.

Although I hated Dale my heart had softened for him, for he was a harmless Alpha, sweet, innocent, had a sweet heart and a very kind demeanor.

He had held a great strong bond with his pack, they had respected him, even if he did have major anger issues, I still couldn't push aside the fact that he was still a great guy.

I shook my head- 'maybe my mate pull was just getting to me,' I thought, trying to erase Dale from my mind.

I turned over onto my back, while whipping my hand across his nightstand and hitting his empty picture frame in the process- only, the picture frame wasn't empty anymore.

I picked it up and scowled at it in disgust and embarrassment.

"DALLEEEEE!" I screamed, sure enough the entire pack could hear me.

Within moments, the door flung open, "Claire?! Oh my goodness, what happened?! Are you okay?" his voice shook with fear.

I threw the picture frame at him, but with his wolf reflexes, he caught it not letting it fall to the ground- "what is this?!" I grumbled angrily.

He took a look at the photo and grinned- "oh this? Mm, why it's you of course."

The picture that he had snapped of me while in his oversized sweats and t-shirt had been perfectly placed into the frame.

"Ah, look at her, she's so cute." he said, while stroking the glass, adding emphasis to the 'so'.

I walked over to him, throwing punches at his broad chest and he playfully winced back in pain from my blows.

"You're not funny!" I wailed.

"Oh yeah? Then what am I?" he asked playfully.

"A weak, stupid Alpha." I spat out the words at him.

"Call me that again." he challenged.

I took it, "you're a weak, stupid, Alpha." I whispered with a smirked.

His massive hands placed themselves onto my hips and he shoved me around, thrusting my body against the cold wall.

"Let go, you monster!" I said while tugging at his hair.

He let go of me, but then quickly grabbed at my hands, pinning them up above my head, while leaning into my lips acting as though he were going to kiss me.

"Now I'm a monster?" he said with a playful grunt- "I'm just glad I'm your monster," and he released me.

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