Chapter 38

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I've got 99 problems and 86 of them are completely made up of scenarios in my head that I am stressing about for absolutely no logical reason.

Jay's POV.

"Where is she? Why isn't she back yet?" I was pacing back and forth, waiting for Giara to come back.

"She will be back Jay. Just chill." Mark said popping a popcorn in his mouth.

"I can't chill. What if she's hurt? What if someone attacked her?"

"That can't be possible. You know that she can protect herself better than anyone else."

"Yeah. That's right." I somewhat sighed in relief. Then I remembered that she was texting Coach when she arrived here. Oh no. "Mark what was she texting to coach?"

"I don't know, meeting somewhere." He said shrugging.

"No. No. No!" With that my brain started working on its own, creating scenarios with both of them together.

*Daydream (More like nightmare for Jaira shippers.)*

"Hey there sexy hunk." Giara greeted Coach/ Anthony.

"Hey there." Anthony greeted back. Giara walks towards him.

"Anthony." She whispers sexily running her finger on his chest.

"Giara." He whisper back her name, pulling her closer to his chest by her waist.

"Anthony you are so sexy, handsome and these abs." She says licking her lips and running her hands all over his torso.

"They are all yours baby." He says nibbling on her ear.

"Anthony I want you to take me right here, right now." She moans pulling him more closer than they already were.

"As you wish sexy." Anthony groans slamming his lips on hers.

*End of Daydream/Nightmare.*

"Noooooo!!!! No! No! Noo!!!" I screamed

"What the hell? Where? Where's the fire? Where? Where? Jay I don't want to die so young. Put off the fire Jay!!!" Mark started screaming. The door of game room slammed open.

"I heard the word fire!" George walked in with wearing mask and holding a extinguisher to put off the fire.

"No! No! This can't be happening. No! No!" I started panicking.

"I think there's no fire in here." George said removing his mask.

"Nope just Jay going cray-cray." Mark sighed getting comfortable on the couch again.

"Is something wrong Master Jay?"

"Something WRONG?! It's more than SOMETHING WRONG!!!"

"Okay. Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"I don't know! CAN YOU?!?"

"I think we should call mental institution George." Mark tried to whisper. Key word tried.

"Shut up Mark! This can't be happening. No it can't." I started panicking again. Those images that my stupid brain created were haunting me. I walked towards Mark, grabbed him by his shoulder and shook him.

"Do. Something. Mark. Make. It. Stop."

"I. Can't. Make. It. Stop. When. I. Don't. Know. What. Is. Happening. Jay!"

"Giara. She - she and c-co-"

"Yes pretty lady and?"

"Co - co -"


"No. C-co-"





"Coal?" George suggested.


"Coke? Cole? Colin? Colton? Coachella?"


"Coachella? Why would she go to Coachella? Does she even know what Coachella is?" He snorts.

"No. It's-" He continues cutting me off.

"I mean even if she knows. What's wrong with that? Other than that she didn't took me with her. Wait. Now to think about it. It's wrong of her to go--"

"Aggghhh! Stop. STOP!"

"Okay. But it was--"

"Stop. Mark. Stop."

"Okay." He mumbled pouting.

"She is with co-coa- coach! There I said it!"

"So?" Mark asked nonchalantly.

"So? So?! SO?!?"

"OKAY! Okay. She's with coach. Boo ho! She's in danger!" He said sarcastically.

"No Mark! Don't you get it. She's with coach. Coach Anthony! The one we saw her hugging. The one she was describing as sexy, handsome." I gagged.

"Oh. Oh! OH!"

"Yes. Oh. Oh! OH!"

"Now I get the problem here."

"I don't." George said

"Pretty lady fancies our coach Anthony, who also seems an old friend of her and right now they both are together. So the possibility of coach sticking in his location in pretty lady's destination is more that Jay going blonde."


"What? I just explained why we should keep pretty lady and coach away from each other."

"You know what? Never mind."

"Whatever." Mark said rolling his eyes.

"So what's the plan?" George asked.

"Yeah. What do you suggest Mark?"

"Um we should - we should.. call her. Yeah! Call her. She said if we need something we should call."

"Okay. Call her. Call her. Where is my phone?" I said picking up things from here and there in search of my phone.

"Here. Master Jay." George said handing me my phone.

"Thanks." I quickly dialed her number.

"Did she pick up?" Mark asked putting his face in front of me. I pushed him back.

"It's ringing!"

"Giara speaking."

"Um where are you?"

"Jay? I am running some errands. Why? What happened? Are you okay?"

"Where are you?" I asked ignoring her questions.

"What is it? Is it really important? Just tell me what do you need?"

"Umm I...." Covering the phone I whispered to Mark and George. "What do I need guys?"

"What do you need?" George questioned.

"She is asking what do I need?"

"Obviously her." Mark said grinning, with George nodding as if he was agreeing with him.

"But I can't tell her that!" I whisper shouted.

"Tell her that you need to go to library!"

"Library?" Both George and I questioned.

"Just go with it Jay!"

"Okay! Okay." I uncovered the phone bringing it back to my ear.

"Hello? You in there Jay?"

"Yes. Yes I am here."

"So what do you need?"

"I need to go to library."

"Library? Why would go to library at this time?"

"Because... Because I have project to do?" That came out more like question.

"Project? What project? You do know that I go to same school as you and attend same classes as you."

"Yes but--"

"Plus why would you want to go to public library when your mansion has bigger library and more books?"

"It's a survey project!"

"Look Jay. I don't have time for your pranks right now. I really need to get some things done. I'll talk to you later. Bye." With that she hung up.

"So?" Both Mark and George questioned.

"She hung up." I mumbled sadly.

"Okay we need a better plan. Gather up boys." Mark said clapping his hands. We gathered around and listened to Mark's plan.

"Okay. That's all good plan. But I think it can be dangerous Master Marcus." George said.

"Ah. Don't worry. It's not." Mark said waving him off.

"So who's going to be the bait?" I questioned.

"Hmm good question Master Jay." George said.

"Jay cannot be bait because he's the one to be protected, so he needs to be here. I can't be the bait because it would be suspicious. So that leaves us with George." Both of us turned towards George grinning.

"Oh no. No. Master Jay. It is very dangerous."

"Please George." I pleaded.

"What if I get killed?!? I have kids Master Jay!"

"You worry too much George." Mark said.

"Please George for me." I gave him my puppy eyes.

"Okay." He sighed and gave in.

"Yes!!" Both Mark and I cheered.

"If anything happens. Please tell my kids and wife that I love them."

His Bodyguard | COMPLETEOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora