35. It's Time

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Two weeks later...

I sat in the chair across from my mother's hospital bed, bouncing my leg by force of habit. My brain was working overtime as all of my thoughts and feeling came barreling in all at once.

The rest of the pack left last week for the funerals. As the alpha and Luna, we were supposed to be there. He wasn't happy about my decision to stay behind, but I wasn't quite ready to leave my mother.

She hadn't woken up since the accident. No one voiced their worries, but deep down we all  began to wonder if  she was ever going to wake up. I couldn't handle losing my mother. Titus and I had decided that today was the day I went home, but I was starting to have regrets. 

My Dad walked in with a small smile on his face, it quickly dropped once his eyes met my mother's still body. He had gotten back into his pack work a week ago, it kept him busy. Which kept him from thinking about my mother's situation. The pack was happy to have their alpha back, but longed for their Luna as well.

"You ready to go back to your pack ladybug?" He asked as he sat next to me. I sighed then crossed my arms over my chest. "I don't know daddy, I think I should just stay another week."

He sighed then dropped his arm over my shoulder. "You need to go home to your mate. You can't keep putting your life on hold." I shook my head stubbornly. "What if she wakes up and I'm not here? What kind of daughter would that make me?"

"She will understand Brinnley. Now more than ever is the time for you to be with your mate." He stared down at my stomach then smiled. My stomach had grown over the past few weeks, anyone with eyes could tell I was midway into my pregnancy. The thought of  labor still frightened me, and the closer I got to my due date the more nervous I became.

My father rubbed my back soothingly. "Go change clothes and get ready to go. Titus will be here in an hour." I nodded then stood. "Okay."

Walking out of the infirmary I caught a lot of glances from the pack members. Almost all of their eyes landed on my stomach. I was past the point of hiding it. If they saw it they saw it. I had no shame in being pregnant. Many of the pack members stopped by to congratulate me on my new addition.

I began biting my lip when my eyes landed on Carter and Genevieve. Carter's eyes lit up as they walked towards me. "Oh wow look at you! Pregnancy is doing you well, you're glowing."

"Thanks Genevieve." She nudged Carter in his side then smiled back at me. "Uh yeah Brinn you look great."

I chuckled, "Thanks."

"What are you having?" Genevieve asked.

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know yet. Not that it matters to me though." I didn't care if I had a boy or girl. That's why I wasn't rushing to find out what I was having, and because I hate doctor visits. As long as my pup was healthy I was happy.

"Hopefully the moon goddess blesses Carter and I with a pup this year." Her features hardened as the words left her mouth. Carter tensed, then diverted his attention towards the ground.

It was no secret that they had been trying to have a pup since they had been together. Sadly their attempts had been unsuccessful.

Many of the pack members declared Genevieve a barren wolf. I just think the timing wasn't right.

I grabbed both of their hands in mine. "Don't worry, the moon goddess will bless you with many pups when she thinks you are ready."

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