21- you did nonetheless.

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Onika's pov.....

As I was about to exit the restaurant he asked " do you want divorce." For a moment I thought I heard him wrong or else I must be hallucinating!

I turned towards him and almost shouted."Ar..are you serious?!"

"Absolutely.... But on one condition."he replied and stood up from his seat and came to stand infront of me as if to have a better view of my expression and grinning wickedly at me after seeing the look of disbelief written all over my face.

Silly me, for a moment I thought that he has come to his senses and realised his mistake after I poured my heart to him, but I should have known better.

Every thing for him is just a deal. If you want something then you need to give something in exchange. How typical of him. I am also just a mode of trade for this blackmailing bastard.

I hate him more and more by every passing second.

"Wh..what is it." I stuttered even after trying hard to keep the desperation away from my voice but failed miserably to which his grin widened even more knowing that he had me exactly where he wanted.

He is enjoying it?! Asshole. How shameless can someone be?

"I want you to live with me for three months like a normal married couple" He said, his hazel eyes piercing directly into my blue once without any ounce of shame.

This had me fuming in anger. I was completely stunned. I thought he had reached his limits but I don't know how does he always manage to fall more and more in my eyes.

Previously also that was what he did, forced me to be with him and bear all the torture he imposed on me and now again he is ready to force me to live with him. 'Like a normal married couple' does he even know the meaning of it?

My hands are so itching to slap him hard. But I can't be sure whether or not he will hit me back because he is definitely capable of that and I don't want to go back to Alex with a black eye, so I decided against it and rather tried to appear calm and composed.

I let out a small laugh " what good will that do? You can't possibly think after 3 months of living with you I will again fall in your trap or do you?" I asked with a taunting smile on my face.

To my surprise he looked equally calm and said "If you are that confident then what is the problem? It's just three months and after that you get what you want I won't ever show you my face if that is what you want.

"Or are you afraid that you will give in to me and I will come to know how much you still love me."

" Have you lost your mind?! Stop being delusional. You want to know what is the problem? You are the problem. Your mere presence suffocates me. Let alone three months three minutes with you make me feel sick." I spat at him.

When I finished his eyes were burning with rage. He pinched the bridge of his nose and clenched his teeth, a habit of his to keep himself under control.

" Look the decision is yours. I am just being generous by offering you a choice or else we can continue like this forever because I am not letting you go, I don't have a problem with it but it will be easier if I don't always have to blackmail you, as you call it, every time I want to spend some time with you."

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