Chapter 15

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Alaska's Point of View:

I clicked off the phone off. I couldn't breathe, Luke, he sounded so heart broken. I looked at the women next to me. She had wiry gray hair that seemed so stick up on all ends. Her eyes were like kaleidoscope a hundred different colors in an elegant pattern. She wore a simple withe toga that hug to her ankles, the woman wore a bright orange jacket over it. Thousands of light colored beads were tired around her, or hung from her joints.

She smiled at me her perfectly polished white teeth. I think it's the only clean thing about the old women.

"Are you ready my dear?" I sucked in a breath and stood up.

"Sure," The old women, who called her self Sparrow took me by my wrist and lead me out to the dark ally. She closed her odd eyes then walked right into a brick wall. She dragged me threw with her.

When we emerged I was standing in front of a a small cottage. Sparrow had already told me what I was going to see but I was still shocked. From an ally we had transported to the middle of no where.

"How? I mean-" I looked around talking in the view. There was only one building in site, the cottage. The rest was gorges aspen trees, bright green grass that was about to my mid calf. How was it even this bright being so tall?

"Come in," Sparrow said holding open the brightly painted door. I brushed my fingertips across the light purple door. Wind chimes rung and made a peaceful feeling.

"Sit," She said with soft old grandma voice. I sat down on the bright blue velvet couch. I quickly glanced around the room. Everything was a bright color or pattern, it was beautiful.

"Okay so can you explain everything now?" I asked looking at her.

"Ah yes, where shall I start?" Her gorges eyes dazing off.

"Um.. How about? I don't know, how we got here, what am I?" Sparrow cracked her knuckles.

"Okay, now open your mind, because this is a little bit strange," I nodded my head. "Our people are known as witches. There is evil in our kind, but there is evil in all things I suppose. We are not bread like other species. We just pop up, here and there. Not like Were's or Shapeshifter's they need at least one parent of the blood. Vampires of coarse must be bitten." I looked at her trying my best to rationalize it.

"Vampires? Were's? Shapeshifter's?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. There are many different species of supernatural. Now, let me see. Witches have mortal parents then one day we change. Most of us are thrown out by are parents, whether the parents realize it or not, they begin to reject them. Humans don't like us very much. My brother use to say, "They can smell us a mile away," I have the ability of sight. You may have noticed my eyes, they are quite strange. A side affect I must say... But I never the less it is a wonderful gift. If I choose I can see the past or the future of a moment. Even bring it to life."

This was crazy. I took a deep breath, she had explained a tad. But this was nuts. I rubbed my temples, this was just too much...

"Now, you are very important Alaska. You see you are a elemental, the elements bend to your will. You have done it, I can see it in your past. A fire when you became angry, rain when your sad, and lighting when you are about to blow." My hands shook slightly strange events in my past began to make sense.

"With training you can control your gift." She said.

"But? I? Mean?"I did not know what I was trying to say, Sparrow stood up and dusted off her toga.

"Come, I have a room you can stay for the night. By morning I don't know three days will have passed. With a days training you should be good."

"What? Training? Days?" I asked.

"Training so you don't set something on fire when your... Time dose not pass the same way here." She said, before leading me up the neon yellow stairs.

"When I'm what?"I asked.

"Oh, nothing." I was slightly angry with Sparrow. She was only giving me half answers. I walked into the room I would be staying at. It was gorges, the walls were the same soft pink as my hair, everything seemed to be trimmed with the gold. The bed was a bright golden color and a top laid a white toga, but this one went about mid thigh.

"Change and get some sleep." I was exhausted, but I had so many questions. Something about Sparrow just made me not want to ask them. Sparrow exited, and I changed. I had to admit the toga was very conferrable. It was soft, light weight, and cool. I quickly got under the pretty colors and tried to fall asleep.

Key word; I tried. There was so many thoughts running threw my brain. What was Sparrow talking about, who was waiting for me to exit this place? That days took place in a matter of hours. Vampires were real?

Then it hit me. Dillon said he was a werewolf. Was he crazy or just telling the truth? What was a mate anyways? That sounded boring, I would much rather be a vampire then some mean boys mate. I mean blood looks disgusting in all, but immortality is so worth it. A mate sounded like a glorified girlfriend, I did not want to be Dillon's girlfriend.

Okay part of me did, but I was very good at putting that part in it's place. Dillon was our enemy not our lover. He tired to kill us that crazy man dose deserve my attention. Crazy people like him don't derisive anyone.

That's wrong... They deserve therapists and 10 years jail time. They deserve that, it would be amazing if I never had to see him again.

"He doesn't derisive any more time in out thoughts," I told myself. After a while I was able to fall asleep. I missed sleeping in a bed the last two nights were not fun. Tip if I ever run away again: bring a sleeping bag.

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