Chapter Five - The Woods Continued

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Ok, so just one small thing before we start the chapter. 


I'm only just freaking out a lot. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! For the votes, reads, and wonderful comments! 

Without further ado, here is chapter four. It's not the longest, but it's something! It has been a rough week so you'll have to hang in there with me until the next chapter is posted :)  The picture with this chapter is the closest to what I picture Samuel to look like. Though, Samuel has darker skin and eyes. And a wider jaw. What can I say, I'm specific?

Hope you enjoy! Keep being amazing!


I waited and waited, but the wolf never lunged. Instead, he stayed in place, a foot away from me. We both stood in our position, frozen, for a few agonizing minutes. I didn't dare move, speak, or even breathe. I didn't know what kind of wolf Samuel was. Obviously, he had some sort of thinking ability, but that didn't do much to calm my nerves. Thinking could easily be overpowered by instinct. The instinct to kill. Or at the very least, maim to weaken his prey. 

When I didn't move, the wolf eventually relaxed, sensing that I was no immediate threat. He sat back on his legs but still stared intently at me. I couldn't help but think he was waiting for something. 

"Ok," I breathed out slowly, testing the waters. Nothing was going to change until I said something. Still, I spoke slowly, almost as if to a child.  "Obviously you're angry. I'm pissed, too. But, we don't need to do anything we're going to regret." I was speaking more about his actions than my own. 

At my words, the wolf stiffened. A breath caught in my throat. I waited in suspense for him to assert his dominance. I'd heard the stories and seen James in action. If a werewolf was threatened, they wouldn't hesitate to show you what you were up against. However, to my surprise, he stayed in the same rigid position.

My instincts were taking over as well, and before I knew it my body was shifting to a less threatening position. I brought my hands slowly up, palms facing him. I then mimicked the wolf's earlier movements and knelt on the ground, my hands still raised. Finally, and begrudgingly, I lowered my gaze.

Once I was beneath his line of vision, he seemed satisfied. His shoulders moved out to the side slightly, as he adjusted his stance. He was still towering over me and made no move to change that. We both stood still and quiet for a few more moments before I finally broke it once again. 

"Samuel, I don't know what you want me to do," I finally sighed in defeat. The wolf's head cocked to the side, where it paused. He blinked a few times, before shifting his weight to all four legs, standing up. He slowly stepped towards me, and my heart started pounding in my chest. Even though he didn't seem angry or out of control, I was petrified because I was, well, helpless. 

Once at my side, the animal brought one of his front paws to the air beside him. I tried to decode the meaning of the gesture, but the wolf grew impatient. He raised his paw again, but this time connected it to my arm, dragging it lightly down to the ground. My body followed the paws movement, falling gently to the side. My legs were now stretched out in front of me, my arms folded lightly in my chest. I leaned up against a tree, letting my back rest on its trunk. From an onlookers point of view, I was at ease in this position. 

The wolf seemed satisfied. He came and laid down next to the tree, letting out a large breath of air. As I listened I could tell his breathing was even and heavy. I snuck a glance at Samuel, noticing his eyes were closed. 

"Ok, we're sitting down. Great. Are we staying here all night?" Slight bitterness crept into my voice. Samuel opened an eye, watching me. "This isn't exactly paradise." I mocked his earlier phrase. 

He snorted and the atmosphere lightened considerably. I was beginning to realize he wasn't angry, but I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I fidgeted with my fingers, only realizing after I did so that my wrist was still hurting. Bringing it up to my line of vision, I tried to see the details of my skin. It was difficult, considering the only light I had was the moon shining through the trees. Eventually, I found that there was a larger than normal bump on my wrist bone, and I figured that was where the bone had cracked. I touched it gingerly just to be sure and sucked in a breath when the shooting pain hit. 

Samuel moved next to me, opening both of his eyes. He was watching me as I fiddled with my hand. I noticed his glance and put my arm back down, smiling slightly in his direction. At his glimpse, it suddenly hit me that now was the perfect time for me to voice my thoughts without him interjecting his own.

"It's no problem. Just a sprain, I think. But," I hesitated, considering the outcome of what I would say. It could potentially be disastrous. "I can fix it up no problem back at my house." The wolf stiffened and his eyes bore into mine. I stared back. But, instead of growling at the challenge, Samuel whimpered. I was caught off guard by the sound and shifted uncomfortably. "If you take me back home I have an old brace I could put on. I'll be good as new. It won't hurt anymore." The wolf was stiff as a board now, and I realized that my propositions weren't going over well. So, I used my last negotiating option. "You can stay there with me if you want? Make sure nothing happens?"

He didn't respond immediately, so I waited in silence. Never ending, tortuous silence. Samuel stayed still, but we had long ago broken eye contact. Now all I had to go off of was his breathing, and that wasn't telling me much. It was heavy and even, yet barely there. Like he didn't want me to know he was breathing. 

It was a slow process, but he finally started moving again. Limb by limb, he was tensing and stretching his muscles. Eventually, he moved until his legs were fully extended. He lifted himself up at this point, coming to a standing position. I watched him carefully and obeyed when he gestured for me to stand as well. We stared at each other for a few moments more until he turned around and started stalking away from me. 

I stumbled after him, putting my good arm forward to lean against the trees as I went. "Does that mean yes? Are you taking me back to my house?" I couldn't help but notice how desperate I sounded.

Samuel paused his trudging, glancing backward. He hung his head, but I noticed him give a slight nod. My heart leaped. I let out the smallest gasp, almost too quiet for my own ears. However Samuel heard it, and I could have sworn I saw him roll his eyes. I didn't care though. I was going home. I would just have to figure out how to get rid of him once I got there. 

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