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Heath is a great cuddler. He smells so good. That sort of sweet but masculine cologne that dudes wear and it makes you want to take your clothes off in the middle of the street and have passionate wild sex without a care in the world.

Perhaps that was just me.

But the point is, he smells delectable. And he has such a strong body. He's built. Firm and taut but so huggable. When we spoon, his whole frame encases me. It's so safe and cute. But he has such a dangerous appearance. His features are so sharp and rugged but he's so polite and sweet. How do—

"Hey bitch tits!"

I was snapped out of my day dream at the sound of Jess's voice booming from the other end of the corridor. It made me all too aware of the thoughts that I had been having and I shook them off, grateful that I was alone and no one could read minds. I leaned off the lockers as she approached.

"Hey cutie."

She stopped in front of me and pouted, clutching her school binder to her chest. "You ditched me on Saturday night."

It was Monday morning. I had spent the remainder of the weekend in the apartment, eating too much food, never leaving bed and having a chat to Mom who was obsessed with her new home.

I rolled my eyes and linked our arms together so that we could head off to homeroom. "I doubt that you missed me. You and Bray were about two minutes away from having sex in the middle of the room when I left Jades."

She made a pssh noise in protest but grinned when I stared at her with a raised brow. We carried on to homeroom and passed Harlin as we went. School had been so much more peaceful since we were no longer allowed to converse. That didn't mean that she didn't take the chance to scowl at me whenever we passed in the corridors. But if she didn't screw up her nose and lips into that stupid butt face at least once a week, I would be sad. It gave me something to laugh at.

"You should have hung around," Jess continued as we walked to the back of our class and took our usual seats. "You could have hooked up with that guy. That Damien one. He was cute."

I tilted my head to the side and shrugged with boredom. "He was kind of full of himself. Confidence is great but ick. Too much."

"And what made him think that you had a boyfriend in the Navy?"

We both giggled. Someone had given him the wrong information. It didn't shock me all that much. High school and rumours went hand in hand. It was just so random.

"So where did you go anyway?" Jess swivelled in her seat and pulled on her high ponytail to tighten it.

Amy wandered in and took her usual place in front of us, turning around once she had put her bag down. I so wasn't in the mood for her judgement. And then I remembered that I hadn't done anything for her to disapprove of. I didn't drink or sleep with a stranger.

Her double standards truly astounded me. She was all for female empowerment but under no circumstance should girls have a sex life.

"I just hung out with Heath and his little sister. We watched a couple of movies."

"Your body must be going through withdrawals," Amy gasped with sarcasm. "No alcohol. Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm great," I smiled back. "I did a line of coke before I came to school."

She rolled her eyes. I knew that she was kidding. She made digs and she claimed that it was just to tease. But at the same time, there was an underlying tone of sincerity. She believed that she was better than us. And maybe she was. But I couldn't understand her need to rub it in whenever she could.

Never Met a Girl Like Her | ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora