Chapter 5

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Kainak had a hunch about what was going on, but without any proof, he couldn't say it was possible. Still, when he awoke the next morning, and after donning his loincloth, he stepped out onto the porch of the treehouse to look out over the jungle.

The stone structure, built by Oranta, the Monkey Queen, peeked out over the tree line in the distance. He stared at the structure, remembering the agony of the transformation that Oranta tried to force upon him, to turn him into one of her simian servants. It wasn't until Julie and Unaki arrived to save him that the torture stopped.

It wasn't PTSD, but he still had bad memories of that.

Still, the hunch was scratching at him, and he had to find out. Though he couldn't prove it just yet, he was pretty confident that whatever was going on had something to do with the events of last month.

He heard the padding of bare feet on the wood and turned around. There stood Julie, topless but donning her top, in all her wild glory. He smiled at her, remembering why he loved her so much before turning around and letting her snake her arms around his body. "How'd you sleep?" he asked.

"Wonderfully," she replied, nuzzling into his bare back. "Are you alright, honey?"

"I have a hunch," he said. "I think that structure has something to do with it."

He felt her squeeze him tighter, and he knew she must've tensed up. "You're serious?"

"There's only one way to find out," he said. "I'll go and investigate the structure, see if anything is going on. What are you going to do?"

"I think I'll go to the Teo," she said.

He turned around and held his mate tightly while grunting like an ape. She smiled and grunted back before kissing him. But they grabbed some supplies first, like their compass and weapons before they could be ready to go. He lifted her, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and he grabbed a vine to swing downwards.

While she could take care of herself, Julie always loved hanging onto Kainak like she was Jane and swinging like this. You'd have to experience it firsthand to know what she loved about it, though.

They landed in a primal, three-point stance on the massive root of one of the gigantic trees. And with that, Julie went off in the direction of the village, while Kainak went off towards the stone structure.

Julie mostly went by foot. It took her several minutes to find her bearings before she recognized where she was and started going in the right direction. She couldn't hear the sounds of anything sinister, so she wasn't concerned even when she had to climb over fallen tree trunks, rocks, and other things. The only thing watching her was a cat, Ginger, one of the wild cats that were native to the island.

There was also a squeal of one of the wild boars that live on the island, earning Ginger's attention and, judging by her sudden departure, hunger.

Julie chuckled. It doesn't need to be mentioned in great detail that Julie loved cats, including the wild cats.

Her movements soon became more feral and primal as she moved along the fallen trees and foliage. It was faster this way. Sure, it was nice to walk, but it was the best way to get around. Besides, as mentioned in the last chapter, it was that getting-close-to-nature thing that drew white dumbasses like her to the whole archetype of the jungle hero. Might as well go as far as she can go.

Crawling and prowling around the trees, it wasn't long before she reached the walls of the village. She could hear some rustling, but since she couldn't see what it was, she just shrugged and dropped down to enter the village.

Julie and the Monkey WitchWhere stories live. Discover now